

The Masterpiece

"Where were you, I was waiting to see you, for so long, but you were nowhere to be seen. But anyways, now you have come, I won't let you go now"... ... ...
With moist eyes, he was expressing his anguish to his ladylove, astrayed from him for so long. While he was busy communicating his emotions to her, his kins were lamenting his wretched state of mind, for there was no one there, he was exchanging the voices with a lifeless sculpture of a woman. But he was not aware of the fact that he is in a state of dream, where he is seeing and listening, things and voices, which are not even existent.
He was a budding painter and sculptor, in his early thirties. About two years ago, one day while he was working in his study-cum-art room, on a sculpture of a woman, he once loved. The piece of art was almost in its final stage, the moulder of the clay was very excited for he felt an intuitive call that this work will be a beautiful future prospect in love as well as in his career.
On that particular day, which turned his life upside-down, he was working on his dearly creation. He looked at it multiple times, through different angles, for he wanted his beloved to be a perfect piece of work, to the world of art. He always desired for a magnum opus out of the piece he had been carving. Following his heartiest wish, he kept his one hand on his heart and with the other he put the last bold stroke of his magical brush on it. After giving the sculpture a final touch, he thought to keep the piece in his little art gallery, a six by six room in the backyard of his house. But as soon as he reached out there with the sculpture, someone grabbed him from behind and within a few seconds, he started feeling as if he were patient on a ventilator and someone deliberately interrupted the supply of oxygen, and he is about to die. Unable to decode the situation, he tried to shout for help, but because of the lack of oxygen soon lost his consciousness and fainted. After about half an hour, his family looked for him as he was not at the dinner table yet. To their wonderment, they saw him lying in the pool of blood, and his sculpture was in pieces, nearby his unconscious body. Perplexed and confused over the ill happenings, they rushed him to the medical emergency, fortunately he was alive. Later, it came to the forefront that two burglars tried to invade the house, and to keep the secrecy of their act and identity, they attacked the hero of our story.
After a span of about eighteen hours he regained his consciousness, and the first thing he asked for, was his masterpiece. His family and friends, somehow managed to hide the reality of the damaged sculpture, and in this quest two months passed. He, being recovered from his injuries, was sent home. On reaching home, he looked restlessly for his real abode, that is his carved piece. But unable to find it he started getting extremely aggressive, helpless to which his family told him about the damaged sculpture, that has now been kept in the store room. Heartbroken, he went there to have a look on, what he loved dearly as his masterpiece. He locked himself with his creation and cried for a few hours. His kiths and kins were equally worried and restless out there, waiting for him to come out and accept the reality. Then, came that moment they were waiting for, he came out, looked calm and composed, everyone around him was happy to see him in a seemingly normal state. From that day everything was apparently standard or usual, but a lot has been altered within him.
As he was with the piece of art for a long time, hence, had a deeper connection with it, the loss of which had crucially affected his psyche. Not known to anyone else, he started visiting the store room in the late hours of almost every night, and started having a conversation with the inanimate object. In the course of the time, he reworked on it and transformed it again to its previous oeuvre. But what he was not able to transform, was his traumatized psyche, which soon became evident to all the inmates and closer ones.
Like the king of Cyprus who carved and then fell in love with a statue of a woman, which Aphrodite brought to life as Galatea, he too fell in love with his creation, but unlike the lucky king's story his story was sad. And the saddest part of his story is that it didn't come alive in any way. He, not to the world but to his small world, his family, is now a being residing two worlds simultaneously, who for sometime resides in this material world, and otherwise in his own world of imagination. In a world of voices and sights, which is preserved for him only, whose charms no one else can define and experience, but he. And the most beautiful part of his present self is that everyone in his little world loves and cherishes his presence, without even thinking of changing him. He loves being in his own world and his loved ones love him, as he is.