

Waive's Freedom from Darkness Experience (5/13/2019)
This has been a profound experience for me. It has changed not only the way i do things but my perspective of the world as well.

I feel as if im waking from a dream, or a nightmare really; only i wasnt aware i was dreaming. I wake confused to a reality I know not, having been locked away inside the confines of my own mind for so long...

I feel IT's presence still lingering; waiting for it's opportune moment of my weakness. There are none. GOD is with me once more and will eternally be there if I but listen, obey, love and pray 💚💜💙 🙏

I feel GOD's love, warmth, and comforting touch once more... One I didnt know I was missing till it found me once again.

I feel overwhelmed with enlightenment and ask myself how i could have missed this for so long...I feel as if ive been locked in another place of time and space altogether, unconscious and unaware.

My physical body feels strange to me, a heavy, dirty, awkward thing. Not at all the vessel I feel I should be used to...

Then sinks in the confusion itself...why do i feel so lost and confused in a world that i feel like ive been living on for almost 29 years now.

The 3 voices ive heard for so many years gone, the world left so quiet and all too still for the normal rush of people continuing on with their daily lives...why the sudden quiet?...I havent been able to move my hand in 4 years now and it moves better in the last week than it has in those 4 years...i feel as if ive witnessed a miracle...

Feel as if ive been born again but I am looking at the world for the first time...almost like a toddler; curious of the world around them as they take their first steps that will lead them into eternity....

Ive felt nothing but positive energry which i feel has brought on a lot of confusion for me, i knew not how far down the rabbit hole i had fallen until someone pure had helped me climb out......

Then as I look back down the rabbit hole and continue my journey I start to feel as if the path i was striving for was never the path I was to follow....then as I pause to take in the fresh morning air and dewdrops upon the grass i cant help but wonder.....what is my path?? What is it the angels and the father are working so hard to convey to me???