

Care To Heal Yourself.

"What's the most important thing in your life that you forgot!?"
This is one of the many questions I keep asking when I find myself seating alone. I never bother to think much about my present self and spent most of my days thinking about my past and how to live to please someone else other than myself.
Like..! I should not have done that! or why did I do that¿? What will they say? What are they thinking? How shall I act? How will I please them?.

Hmm.... come on guys we spent most of our days and times feeding ourselves with such questions that we fail to question on 'How am going to please me today?'.
Usually, most people never care much about themselves, I support selflessness but Aren't we forgetting something? Cause, first of all, we learn to love by loving ourselves first, only then we can give love to someone.... that's how love works. Love can never give rise to hatred like Hate can never provide Love. So if you learn to love yourself then definitely you will learn to share love but it's not always easy if you neglect yourself, and it's harder for a broken one to Love.
Through the few years, I have lived and experiences I have faced I have realized that no matter how much effort you put in pleasing society it's not worth it compare to the time you spent for yourself cause in the end the harsh reality of aloneness checks in.
The only one who is going to be by your side till the end is 'you' no one else but 'YOU'. So you need to be strong and spend more time healing and finding your true self cause you are more than who you think you are, seek out your potential and upgrade your weaknesses.
Like!... most of us we are forgetting something very important that is 'ourself'. It's true that we are social beings and trying to please society and get its approval is our nature but everyone has burdens to bear and deal with. We should care to look after ourselves before we completely forget ourselves in pleasing 'THEM'.

Dear, Care To Heal Yourself.
With love 💌
𝓖𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓵𝓲𝓷 𝓣𝓪𝓼𝓮 ♡✨

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