

The Tex Ulan
Chapter 3
The adventure to a new world

We adventured for miles on end for weeks that never seem to been a week what it feels like to us. We can upon a cave, so we used the cave for shelter for the night all of the sudden a cloud of a storm was browing up above us, then lightning struck the surface of the cave and caved us in so we had to adventure in deeper of the cave to find away out. We adventure really deeper in the cave what seem like for 9 hours we traveled then suddenly a wind of air we felt then suddenly a bright light was glaring brightly. brad (one of the adventurers):"Maybe just maybe it might be the way out." Grindol (the leader of the adventure): "Impossible we are 3,000 feet under the earth." We decided to cheack it out. We saw a whole new world we never new befor that existed right under our feet.

like for chapter 4