

An Open Letter to Amruta
Dear Amruta,

When I saw you for the first time,I could see a daughter,a wife and a daughter-in-law. But I was eager to see the Amruta in you. Maybe you were lost in the zones of being what others wanted you to be. You sacrificed yourself for the sake of your relations.

I remember how everyone tried to console you by saying " Hota hain,ek bar ki baat hain."
This reaction clearly shows the massive impact of gender imbalances in Indian Marriages and Indian Society. It showed that the subjugation of Indian women is a ritual which has been performed by the society since decades. I was completely convined when u said, "Marriage is a contract."

I never knew how strong a woman could possibly be till I saw you. I could see a rebel in those calm eyes of yours. Each time you cried on screen,I was shedding tears in my seat. I couldn't feel the pain but a slap on your face was an even tighter slap on our "civilized feminist" society.

Despite so many efforts made by your in-laws to bring you back, you took a brave a decision which was just for yourself. The way you justified your stand to your in-laws is an inspiration.

"Just a slap,lekin nahi mar sakta." attacked the patriarchy in our society. Why compromise? Why settle for less? Why can't a woman choose herself before her family and responsibilities? Trust me,you answered all of them.

Anandarupa Neogi

© Anandarupa Neogi