

Rising Dead 14
" So that antidote made by Dr Joe before he gets killed gives superpower to host body " Rider said as he trying to understand

Dr Miller said " that day Dr Joe made this antidote , I can't have a words to describe his happiness , he worked over 3 years for this antidote "

   .......6  Months  ago before the apocalypse

  "  Dr miller please I have to meet Dr Joe " the unknown person said from other side of phone

  " I know Dr volski but Dr Joe is doing something important today so he can't  meet you today " Dr Miller said in hurriedly voice cuts the phone

" Reo today don't bother us no matter what , get it " Dr Miller said to his assistant

" Yes Doctor " Reo said and leaves the office

" I am late , I'm late " Dr Miller said to himself as he quickly started heading towards main lab

One of the scientist said  "Dr Miller I wanted to show you results of _ " but Dr Miller cuts him in mid and said in hurry " I am sorry Devid but I can't stay here " and leaves him in long lobby  
As he comes close to large big door he pushed and slips in the lab

  " Where is Dr Joe " Dr miller asked one of junior scientists then he guesters towards right direction

   Dr Miller followed his direction and spot Dr Joe in front of  big machine
And  humanoid figure is stored in huge glass container on his left side

  " How is the project Nemesis is doing" Dr Miller asked to Dr Joe ,

Dr Joe glanced towards Dr Miller and said " see yourself " then Dr miller comes close to glass container and stand front of the humanoid figure

And said in amusing voice " his name is neo right it's good that he volunteered for this dengerous experiment " and touches the glass container and looks in open eyes of  neo

Suddenly Dr Joe shouted loudly in happy voice " Successful it's ..... Omg I  can't explain my happiness Miller "
He gets up from chair and started jumping everywhere

   Other juniors started looking at Dr Joe curiously , Dr Joe looks at Dr miller and hugs him immediately and said " 3 years , I finally created the that liquid "

  Dr miller said in surprised looks " You mean that superhuman antidote "

Dr Joe said " yes after we Found that
The Ophiocordyceps unilateralis fungus , every other scientists started to create z virus for privious  years but ...." And he again sits down on his chair and started crying

" I always believed that we can use this for tackel human weakness not for making some kind of weapons " Dr Joe said at looking at his research files

Dr miller comes close to him and puts his hands on his shoulders and said " I know you for long time Joe , you always have first interest for humankind  " he stops at looking at him

  " Care to explain what kind of abilities this antidote provide to host "
Dr miller said with grin

Dr Joe wipes his tears and said in joyful voice " of course this antidote can kill any infected cells from infected by  Ophiocordyceps unilateralis fungus "

" You mean you create the antivirus against that virus created by Dr volski  , this is really _ "  but Dr Joe cuts him off and said " not only that but that host become immune to any virus even this antidote have ability to suppress cancer cells "

" What ' it's _ " Dr miller said but again Dr Joe ignores him and said " this antivirus have ability to change natural law I mean it can give host body to regenerate quickly and it is also inhance physical abilities like speed , strength , agility "

Dr Joe then looks at Dr miller and saw his wide open mouth and he is looking  towards Joe

Dr Joe started laughing and shakes his shoulder and then Dr miller said " ammmmm........I don't know what to say right now " in disbelief expressions on his face

     Present day ........

  One of the Hive laboratory

     " Then I left that day but after 2 months every government scientists knew what Dr Joe made in that lab but unfortunately lab was destroyed , infection spread in that lab due to carelessness of some of the scientists "
Dr miller said as he looking at floor

" So Dr Joe get killed in that lab but how can he created that antidote ?" Rider asked eagerly

Dr miller sign and said " Dr Joe went Africa 3 years earlier , he found some kind of flowers their through local folks , he realised that flowers gives better regeneration ability , and few years of extra life span to local people so he managed to convince them to take some of them for his research "

  "  Then why we don't go just  that village and harvest all of the flowers " Riders said in furioussly

Dr Miller said in angry tone " because your father already did it and killed every villager but he cannot able to make that antivirus himself "

Rider smirks and said " oh then my father have same thoughts like me "
Dr miller looks at him in angry expression and said " you know if your father haven't kidnapped my daughter I shouldn't ever helped you guys even if I had to die "

Rider started laughing loudly and stops after some moments and said " omg I didn't know you had daughter "

Then he suddenly falls silent and said in serious tone " my father surely hide so many things from me , but please continue Dr Miller , how can you are going to extract that antidote from that guy ?"

Dr Miller said "I have my ways and  I'm not going to do that until you guys release her  " looking at his eyes

Rider said " sure enough , but one more question about that nemesis , where he is now ?"

Dr miller said " I don't know " Rider comes close to him and said in low voice " what if I helped you in this matter ?"

" What do you mean ?" Dr miller said in confused expression

Rider said " I will tell you later but first tell me about that nemesis and antidote "

" Dr Joe created two antidote one injected to that nemesis after few days of observation we saw his body changed completely , his skin becomes grey and his hight increased abnormal rate about 8.3 , his bones become big and strong " Dr Miller said as he trying to define how he looked back then

Rider said  " so Dr Joe made a monster " with grin and again said curiously "what about other one it's also made host like that ?"

Dr said in confidant tone " no Dr Joe make some necessary changes in that last one antidote it's less powerful from first one but it has same abilities but it cannot change hosts body not even slightly "

  " So things happened like this few high ranking official gave order to bring back this antidote from that infected lab on my father's advice " Rider said looking at the door

" Yes your father gave the order to bring back that antidote from that lab to task force , or we can say to Ivan but he only managed to get other z virus not the real antidote " Dr miller said as he frowns

Rider said " but things turns in unexpectedly and Kai got that antidote not Ivan , but what happened in that lab back then ?"

Dr miller said " we don't know , Ivan collected all the out side of z virus and locked them in that infected lab and run away "

   Rider lean close to Dr miller and said " I will help you to release your daughter and in return you have to help me to get that antidote "

  Dr miller said " what I have to do ? "
Rider said with smile " nothing much you just have to inform me when the antidote is done "

Dr miller looks in eyes of Rider and said " first release my daughter "

Rider smirks and leaves the lab .......

     .....to be continued.....


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