

Meeting my friends(before college)
Meeting my friends for the first time was weirdest....
I just came to a new environment, I didn't know, whom to say friends and how to mix with them casually....
Everyone was so different and it's a little bit difficult to understand them....
School was the past which is totally different from college....

For lockdown, your college was delayed and students didn't know about what will our class be like? If there sections are divided or not?
How many students will be there? and etc, questions were asked by my mind but I don't get any answer till , the opening of college.....

I'm excited because this is my first year in Christ college. I'm acting to be a good student in home ( just practice or imagine and act )....
My mom dad were talking that "our daughter was gone insane by thinking about college, Did we just ask her to stop act like a mad"......

"How I feel?" was the feeling which is really difficult to explain in words.....
I'm just trying to figure out that how will my encryption or imaginary place will be like??

I can only tell you guys that this time is really difficult time for me because I have to control my curiosity at home 😂, it's like I just stay blessed at home all time in lockdown.......

It's my real life experience that I want to share with you all, I will tell you all about my first day of college to my last day of college, I don't want to keep this feelings from my friends........

© Bhoomika