


Love Cafe: Where Love Blooms

In this legend, she who didn't believe in love tries to break it. Or will she be able to fall in love?


I don't believe this bullshit... Are you kidding me?  I don't believe in love, so leave me alone!

I shouted at them furiously...

Wait... I know you must be confused here. Let me explain everything going on. My name is Trinity drawin,I come from a middle-class family and I'm an office worker, 21 years old. Now, my parents and friends insist that I find a partner. Of course, they refer to it as a better half, husband, honey, boyfriend, etc. As much as I followed their stupid recommendations for blind dates, none of them were able to win my heart, and I ended up breaking their hearts as well. Then, all of my family and friends told me that the problem is with me!

Yes, the thing is, I don't believe in love. For me, it's a stupid emotion. And I also won't believe in love after marriage, college love, childhood love, love after death, etc. So, I argued with them and shut myself off from everyone.

However, one day, my grandma visited my house and had a long talk with me. For me, grandma is like my friend. I share all my burdens with her when my parents are busy with their work. Grandma is the one who raised me. After sharing my troubles with her, she gave me a mischievous smile. Then, I felt something hidden behind her smile. She gave me a necklace.

It had a strange symbol, but it was special. She told me it was gifted by her special friend. When she was in deep trouble, her mind would calm down when she held this necklace. I took a peek at the necklace. It had a simple triangle, and in the center, I could see a cupid as well. "Wow," I exclaimed with amusement. The necklace was very pretty.

However, at that time, I didn't know it was meant to be something in my life.

That day has come to an end...
But something happened to me...
I had a strange dream.
In this dream, I saw a handsome man holding my hand. He was literally kissing my fingers.
I could feel the warmth of his kiss.
He was calling out my name.
All I could see was his face; he had a mole on the left side of his lip.
I can say he was a sexy guy...
Suddenly, he called me by my nickname, Tria.
When I tried to look at his face, I opened my eyes...
I told myself.

What was that anyway?
I had never felt something like this in my life.
Then the next morning, I was about to talk to my grandmother, but surprisingly she had left so early.
Then I went to work. My life was too troublesome after having that dream. Still, Grandma's necklace is safe with me.
From that day onwards, he has been appearing in my dreams. People find me spacing out.
Yes, I can't focus on my things. Even my boss advised me to take a break.
Still, my family insists that I get married.
In the end, I shouted at them. That was the situation. Then I decided to move out from my family for a while. Then I got a letter from my grandma. It was like this:

Dear Tria,
Grandma isn't feeling well, so can you just come over here? Maybe you will find the answer you were looking for.
Lots of love,

I read the letter and came to a resolution.

After a day of travel, I reached Moon Island. That's where my grandmother's house is located.
Moon Island is a famous tourist center. It's too crowded. I waited for my butler to pick me up, but he didn't show up. He was supposed to be here at the airport. Then he messaged me that he was trapped in a traffic jam. Damn, I can't blame him either. It's true, the traffic here is pretty high.
"What the hell," I cursed.
I decided to explore, so I grabbed my bag and walked towards the street near the airport.
I felt so thirsty, so I looked for something to drink. Then suddenly, something caught my eye. I was too shocked to see that.

LOVE CAFE: Where Love Blooms

Then I saw a label that looked exactly like my necklace locket.
"What is this?" I wondered, filled with curiosity.
I gently opened the doors of the cafe and was amazed by what I saw.
Wow, what a place it is...
It's neat and clean, sparkling everywhere.
Then a beautiful waitress welcomed me.
She guided me to my table and I sat down.
It felt like I was near the beachside, with the chilly wind passing by. I felt so good.
The cafe was very neat, and the atmosphere here was quite refreshing.
I felt like I had entered some kind of magical place.
When I entered the main hall of the cafe, I was amazed.
In the center of the hall, there was a huge cherry blossom tree.
And I saw a lot of people praying there. Is this a shrine?
I couldn't believe it, but at the same time, I read the inscription near the huge tree.
It was written like this:

So there was a legend going on here. There was a lone samurai who lived, tired of war and conflicts. He wished to live peacefully. Then one day, he met a beauty and everything changed. Unfortunately, she was the daughter of his enemy clan. But he didn't give up; he pursued her and they fell in love together. They both ran away from their homeland and lived happily. However, those happiness wouldn't last. Just as they were about to marry, he was summoned by his lord. The beauty and the samurai both felt sad.

.They don't want to be separated. Then the samurai promised her that he would come alive and marry her. Then he was gone. But sadly, he died. But Beauty didn't know that. She waited... waited... Then one day, people on the Moon Island found her dead. They buried her under this tree. After that, people who have love troubles will come here and pray. They believe that the soul of Beauty will help them find love. This legend is known as the Miyuki Legend of the Great Love Tree.

Very well, I don't like these legends or myths. I won't give a damn about it all.
People are praying and bowing to that tree.
Mostly couples and old people are there.
I try to find a quiet place to sit down.
Geez, why is this so difficult? It's too crowded. However, I have to wait for my butler to pick me up. I share my location with him on WhatsApp, then order a peach juice.

Love tree, huh? These are total bullshit.
I won't believe it at all while I am busy with my thoughts.
Are you worried about anything, lady?
Huh? I looked at that person.
A beautiful lady who wears a pink kimono appeared in front of me. I was dazed by her beauty. She was older than me, but her beauty is breathtaking.
Wow!! I exclaimed.
I don't know what to say. I was dazed.

She sat down beside me.
At the same time juice I ordered arrived.i stare at her  blankly
Then we had a conversation like this,

"You are worried about something, right?"
"How... how did you know that?"
"I am good at reading the minds of people."
"I won't believe you."
"Let's see, you won't believe in love relationships, right?"
"What???? How?"
"See, I am right? Now you believe me?"
"Kind of, I am trying."
"So, young one, is it okay for you to blame something you haven't experienced?"
"I... I don't believe in love. No matter how I try to find a pure one, it can't be true. Everyone in this world is selfish. That's the reason I won't believe in such things like this."
"Well, you don't believe in your parents and people who love you?"
"Ummm, I..."
"Are they selfish too?"
"Tell me, young lady, aren't you the one being too rigid?"

I was astonished by her questions. Yes, it makes sense. I am the one who is being so rigid. It feels like I shut my doors for everyone. I was blinded enough. I was speechless in front of her. But she gave me a beautiful smile. Then she told me,

"One day you will meet your soulmate and experience the things you neglect. Then come and find me, I will be here for you."
She patted my head and disappeared into the crowd.

I felt so comfortable after talking to her. It's like she helped me to see both sides. Then I forgot to ask her name. Damn.
I can't find her as well.

While I was paying cash at the counter, someone came near to me.
"Are you Trinity?"
"Yes," I turned around and looked at that person. My eyes widened, I even forgot to take a breath for a moment. My eyes filled with that person. It was none other than the guy in my dream. Those black moles on the left side of his lips. I would recognize them anywhere, it's a shocking thing to me. I feel blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Are you Trinity?" he repeated again.
"Yes, and you?"
"Oh, I am Dante Blake, the son of your butler. I came here to pick you up."
I was still in a daze, however, I maintained my calm and followed him. Soon, we reached Granny's house. She and her butler, Uncle Blake, were waiting for me.

"Granny..." I ran towards her like a kid.
"Trinity..." she hugged me tightly.
While we had our moment, Uncle Blake and Dante took care of my luggage.
That day, I spent time with my granny, talking to her wildly as well. Still in my mind, it was Dante, the guy in my dreams.

In the upcoming days, I spent a lot of time taking care of granny. This time, Uncle Blake is also with me. Fishing on the island is the best thing. Uncle Blake taught me how to fish. There was a river flowing behind my backyard, so I went there for fishing. While fishing, I remembered my childhood here. I played a lot here, and my cousins and I spent our vacations here all the time. But surprisingly, I didn't see Dante here. I feel relaxed here as well. Like my city life, island life is the best. All the time, I was busy with work pressure. After being employed, I rarely went out, and visiting granny was also rare. Now I am here, and while fishing, I saw movement in my fishing net. I tried to pull it up, but unfortunately, I got tipped into the water. Damn, I got soaked all over.

Pffftttttttt... I heard someone giggling at me. I turned around and looked at that person. Surprisingly, it was Dante. I looked at the mole beside his lips and unconsciously swallowed. Damn, why is he so hot? I stared at him blankly. Then we had a conversation like this,

"Are you done with your laughing?"
"Oh...sorry, I didn't mean to. Are you okay?"
"You think I am okay? I can't get up properly, yarr," I told him miserably. It is true that my legs were hurting for no reason. Under the river, it's rocks. I think my legs hit there. He came near to me and tried to pull me up, but I mischievously dragged him near to me. Now he is soaked. He looked at me with surprise and I told him.

Now we are equal," I laughed at him.
"Seriously, Tria?" he giggled.
The way he called me "Tria" was enough to make me blush. Then we both got up from the river. Both of us were soaked, but we both laughed together. From that time onwards, Dante and I started our friendship. We spent a lot of time together, and he became my guide on the island. However, Dante treated me as his friend, but for me, it's not. I am not sure about my feelings, but the reason I am here is because of the guy in the dream. The days passed, but something unexpected happened in my life.

After coming back from shopping, I was about to take a bath. I had just removed my clothes and put on a bath towel when I realized I had forgotten to bring my body cream. As I went to get it, I accidentally collided with someone and we both fell down together. Ouch... I heard the voice of the person and tried to look at him. I was shocked to see a stranger in my room. I was about to shout, but he covered my mouth. I was only wearing a bath towel and I was being held by a stranger in my room. My mind was in chaos, tears welled up, and I was scared. I mostly closed my eyes out of fear. Then he told me, "Don't be afraid, I am a friend of your grandmother. She told me you were here ,So I thought I met you, but unfortunately, I didn't know you were bathing. You didn't even lock your room. I am really sorry to meet you in this awkward situation. After that, he loosened his hands, my bath towel almost slipped, then he adjusted it for me. At that time, I felt calm, then I slowly opened my eyes and saw him clearly. But he was already gone. At that time, my heart was beating crazily for no reason. Damn, who is he?

#To be continued

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