

"Rebecca listen I'm not in the mood this morning. just shut up and lets continue harking. Remember we are on a very busy street so no talking. keep quiet and sell!" I shut my friend up. She was begining to piss me off with her lengthy talks. buh wait a minute! ......." isn't that what I like about her? Then why am I so angry at her talks this morning?" I asked myself and stole a glance at my dear friend. Her sad face broke my heart buh I couldn't console her either......I was so angry buh I don't even know whats eating me up so much. "Could it be my predicament.........
"Janice.........watch out" that was all I heard.
The next day I woke up on a hospital bed.
"what am I doing here Becca??" I asked my friend. "we don't have money for hospital bills so why did you bring me here? Come on lets go home before someone sees us.......we don't have money to pay............
" Will you just shut up and be still on that bed?" A mascular tone ordered.
" Becca .......wh.....wh.....who is he?"
"I said just shut up and be still.........whats with all this questioning anyways? Just shut......
" You must be a very stupid, arrogant and a proud monster." Rebecca spoke with such pain and anger I have never seen in her
" me?" the man asked proudly
" yes! you! . thats who you are. how dare you hit her and come here to order her around. Do you think we are some illetrates you can speak to anyhow? If you have been in the University before.......we were equally there too.......its just circumstances that has made us this way!" I watch as Becca spoke with tears buh she continued " now you listen carefully to me.......from this moment onwards.......you do the listening and I do the talking, no word from that proud life of yours!" She turned her attention to me and spoke so softly " Janice, you will soon be out of here okay. And about the bills........don't worry.......this man here will pay okay." she pointed at the man in the chair with her left hand as she brushed her right hand in my hair.
" its morning already, lets go back to harking. Remember we don't have enough money and we need to pay the landlord by the close of the week" I reminder her . maybe she has forgotten about our predicament
" No dear.......you can't go out there in this condition. You need to recover fully so get enough rest. As you do that, I will go out there......sell so I can get you some food." She said as she stood on her feet ready to go. She planted a kiss on my forehead and exited the room.
" I guess I should sleep then, afterall this proud man won't even answer my questions." I reasoned and chose to go to sleep for a while.
" Get up" I felt a soft voice saying to me
" Get up and get something to eat please" the voice repeated. It wasn't Becca's. It isn't a feminine. Was it one of this proud man's family? I'm sure.
What I saw when I opened my eyes gave me a shock of my life. "eeeerrrrmmmmm........I'm I'm I'm no.....no...n....n..not hungry please" I fambled
" its a lie." he said softly. " You haven't eaten anything since last night. You need to eat." he said as I continue to stare at him in utter admiration! " wow! The tone at which he has started talking to me now marvelled me alot. someone who could actually speak with so much proudness.......is now talking so maturedly with such a nice tone😮" I thought as I continue starring at him.
" please eat something." he said as he picked up the food.......opened it and was about feeding me when his phone started belling, he frowned as he picked the call......Yes.....okay........I'm on my way......bye
" I had to go........had it not been the case I would have fed you the food myself😊. Anyways, I will make it up to you some other time. Please eat for me.......I need to get going now......bye"
"bye" I managed to say

what happens next
is this a journey worth it
watch out for the continuation.......

© gladys_123