

Not THE end..
There helza stood around a big pit and behind us stood kevil they had a mean smile on their face . Kevin started "thanks for the Bowmore bottle bro we'll enjoy it" they started to laugh very mean and then helza grabbed my collar and tried to shove me in the pit Kevin used his hands and...
I fell for their joke...
Noooooooooo. I still thought we were friends I never gave it a second thought..
Helza shushed "dear pinky how can you think we won't get a revenge after such a great honour you gave me..
They started to laugh helza took out her desert eagle,at the same time Kevin tossed a unpinned grenade to me ..she screamed and dropped the gun too... they ran like anything and I heard helza say I lost my love because of an idiot.....
They laughed in an evil manner and left with the bottle ....
But this ain't the end my friends 😏
To be continued ON DEMAND...
(sorry if you didn't understand read the previous parts)
© my heart isn't reserved