

Doesn't Feel Like a Duke Dennis Vibe Anymore.(V)
We stood there waiting for one of us to respond, The room continued to be silent.
Taking a puff of the cigars while looking dead in our eyes, He made us feel we were paralyzed by his sinister ambience.
Out of nervousness, I spoke out,
"I don't think we can do it, I mean,
You're the most powerful young person in the city, Amongst the youth of today and want our soul?"
I stood back, surprised by my boldness in speaking up. He responded with a slight smile on his face, "I like your boldness; you're saying, 'more money, more power,'
Money is just an illusion
when you get to a certain position of power in life. Nothing under the sun is satisfying
So now, gentlemen, how much for each of your souls?" The room turned silent again,
with the tension creeping up our spines
like a ghost was breathing down our necks.

Out of frustration and anger,
I got up, ready to speak my mind.
But by the time I could get up, his bodyguard blindfolded us. And placed handkerchief
filled with Chloroform knocking us out unconscious.
Slowly regaining consciousness
The blindfold wrapped around my face, felt I stepped into pit of darkness,
In an empty room, wondering where my friends were.
Then someone took the blindfold off my eyes, And it was the girl in the red dress with a theatrical mask on She suddenly took off her mask.
She looked sinister and resembled Kali, the goddess. Tongue sticking out with vampire fangs growing out, She suddenly pounced on me.
Before she could devour me,
I suddenly woke up in French class.

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