

menstrual hygiene management...
Why menstruation, always considered a big problem. In fact, if you consider it a problem, then it seems to be a problem ... but this problem is not strange and not at all weird... Yes, some people suffer a lot, but it is natural. So, don't look at it with some dirty, or something evil. Now this subject is not just for girls to talk about, men also need to know about it, to have mysterious information. This is not something to be ashamed of, so it is important to have an open discussion about it at home and at school, which does not happen in our society.

You know a lot about this, but I want to put into my own words the points raised by amma from her session. The biggest question mark is what to use during menstruation?? Sanitary Pads, clothes, menstrual cups, or something else??

In the past, and even now, most of the time cloth is used in menstruation. Sanitary pads are also used by older women in most cities. However, more and more clothes are used in rural areas. Now this does not mean that using pads is very modern, and only very low people, poor people use it ... etc ... etc ... In fact pads are really at high cost, yes, it is not affordable for many of girls, women in our society. But have you ever wondered what pads are made up of? What chemicals are used in it? Is it really safe for your body?? Ever wondered? In fact, the pads look a bit comfortable, which is according to the advertisement that there is no tension for 12 hours. Now every girl thinks that there is nothing wrong with using such pads, because they are more comfortable. But, is it really safe?? Today I heard Dr. Rani Bang's session, and she told that, "These sanitary pads are made up from 90% plastic, and use a lot of chemicals in making them" To absorb the blood, polyacrylate gel is used, also, petroleum non-greasy substances are used to cover the pad. The upper coating contains polypropylene film, while the proof coating contains polyethylene to prevent leakage. This means that 90% of the parts are plastic and only 10% cotton is used to make the pads. I mean think, how much pollution we are doing, how much plastic we are using ...! In addition, the chemicals in it can cause injury to your body, such as itching, or some infections, and also, while burning them, some harmful gases are also released, which are really harmful to our body, and also harmful to our environment.

Now, if we want to talk about clothes, Amma was saying that it is good, but very important to take care of these clothes. I mean, wash it properly, dry it in the sun. The germs in it die because of the sun, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Many women in our society use such clothes.

2 years ago, there was a bit discussion about the menstrual cup, and now a lot of people are using it. It is eco-friendly, so there is no risk of pollution. But still a lot of women are afraid to use it. I mean, the fear of getting any infection, fear of injection and ejection while using it. Because, what if there is some injury, or some other problem if it creates?? That's a big question. But, I have asked the people who used this cup, their response was very good, they did not have any problems. But you have to take care to keep the cup clean and prevent any infection from it.

Now, these are so many options, but which one is better?? That's the question, isn't it? Those who can't afford this cup should start making homemade sanitary pads, says Dr. Rani bang. I mean, a lot of people who came to that session put a lot of emphasis on home sanitary pads. Because it can be made without a huge cost, and without the use of any harmful chemicals, and it is safe.

I mean, look, if we all make a resolution like this, how much we can save from all the pollution ..! Right?? Simply going to the ads, and doing the same, you will never have to find out the truth. Every girl, every woman needs to think about this, because it is part of protecting you and your environment.

See, your one right step can change a lot ... think for sure.
© yogi