

Don't believe what people say
People say 'Don't cry. He's not worth it'.
People say ' You're better by yourself'.
People say' It's his loose '
People say' You have no problems,why do you cut?'.
People say' Tomorrow will be a better day'.
People say' It's not the end of the world'.

They try to comfort you, to make you feel better when in reality they're just pouring salt on your wound. They're screeching in a open wound. Unconsciously, but they're still doing it.

They don't understand, never had. They're useless. They think they know everything, when actually they don't. They're just talk. Even if they're old, wise and experienced. Different people react differently to tragedies.

So just be yourself. If it must, be deaf and idiot to not learn they're words. Be yourself, be sad, be happy, be mad, be heartbroken, be you.


Don't believe what people say.

~ Eriselda
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