

Make fear afraid!
Dear You,

Happy New Year 🎊

It's a new year to try again. A new year to spread your wings, raise your feet, and take a leap.
Leap into the unknown and reach forth for what you desire.

Yes, you may have given in to fear last year and not realized all your goals and it's true that you indeed had a lot of "what if I fall moments?" but listen, what if you fly?

What if you reach the heights you've always dreamed of? What if it doesn't go wrong as you've always feared?

It's about time you surprised yourself. So launch that business, submit that proposal, start that blog, take that trip, say yes to believing in yourself, love, live, laugh, dance because you actually can.

Let fear know who's in charge!

Make fear afraid!

I am rooting for you always.

Love 🤍