

I used to live in a single wide trailer, quite a few years ago, when the most curious of visits from a person occurred. It was quite like about one of the strangest things, that happened to me.

I had turned the kitchen into a part bedroom, part somewhat a narrow kitchen with a sheet of plywood and a king sized felt bed used as a xhcfseparation from the kitchen creating another bedroom and of which stretched out perfectly as a wall for the entire length of the room starting just before the only window at the front of the trailer could be opened. The other end of the cover fit exactly to where the first entrance to the kitchen, now a bedroom began which was adjacent to the front door of the trailer with just enough remaining bed cover to screw it to the wall at the entrance then turning it at a 90° angle and attaching it to the outside of the coat closet next to the front door. The cover was stretched tightly so I didnt have to damage the cardboard ceiling tiles by using any kind of fasteners. It covered the backside of the refrigerator, but was dangling freely for about two feet and ended, at the wall, going all the ccx way to the floor.
So the that end of the bedcover became the bedroom door. I liked small bedrooms so i moved into it leaving the regular three rooms up for grabs.

A few days or so before the visitation happened, I was with a cousin of mine having lunch at an A & W restaurant. It was time to leave the fast food place, but my drink was still more than half full in the tall mug that I was certain that I had purchased there, so I walked out to the car with it. We had driven a few miles from there when my cousin startled me with her reaction to seeing me take a drink. She was shocked to see that I would steal it. She said that it wasn't part of the promotion poster that I had read.She saw it differently, assuming I had stolen it accidentally by this time, but I'm certain I had bought it. It was too far to turn back there to check to see who was right or wrong, so it came home with me that day.

I'm not too sure as to how many people were living at the trailer at that time but the night it happened, I was there alone. It was rare that I had ever had the opportunity to have the place to myself at any time. At the one time at its capacity, I counted 15 non paying roommates except for one cousin. I couldnt believe how the utility bill got higher and higher as more and more people needed a home, and with my big heart and since I made enough money every month to cover the extra money it cost and the rent i paid by myself so it wasn't a huge deal for me to keep making room for those in need. I guess that I just liked to help people.

That night, all the lights in the place were off. My bedroom would barely let any light come in anyway cause I liked to sleep in late and light always used to bother my ability to stay asleep as well as, allowing me to go to sleep. I had a tiny black and white portable battery operated tv that also plugged into the wall that I would watch when I was in my room. The light emanating from that tv was the only light source happening. I was lying down and noticed a reflection on the A&W mug sitting on a small table close to where the tv sat down upon on top of my mini rectangular shaped glass filled wooden coffee table. Something about that reflection looked different from what the tv program in which I was watching should have shown.

I found myself putting all my attention on the reflection on the mug, and to what was showing on tv, comparing them to each other in total disbelief when it became clear both the reflection on the mug and the show showing on the tv were completely different from each other. When I accepted this after the shock of it subsiding somewhat, I grabbed the mug, drawing it closer to me to get a better look at what I was seeing, and as I continued to compare thinking that by bringing it closer for the up close look, I would see what I should see, by it being further away, it might simply just an optical illusion. What I saw definitely eliminated the optical illusion hypothesis. I was seeing what looked like a few oddly dressed people, with some wearing hardly anything to people dressed in some kind of weird suits and even a couple were naked. They were walking here and there in front and behind of what looked like a long control panel with about four chairs, with only two suited guys sitting at that panel/table with buttons and knobs and switches . I was looking at this from the front where they were facing me.

After a short time, the people stopped moving and they all faced me as if they could see me. Suddenly it was clear that they were attempting to communicate. Then using some kind of telepathy or whatever, it was as if I could understand them or whoever was doing this. Since I couldnt hear any voices, and they couldnt hear me at all, our first communication was using eye blinks. I did understand, somehow, what was being asked. It was one blink for yes and two for no. And then I was asked to think my words out by verbally talking words without talking. It worked. I think that's the same as telepathy, not sure, but what I learned was incredible.

I understood that they were from the fourth dimension, which I didnt know what that meant until later. They were exactly the same place where I was, but in the 27th century. They asked if it would be comfortable enough to me if one of them paid a short visit to me. They were adamant about my safety and mind or emotional stability with doing this. It didnt seem like it was a big ordeal with this visi, so i assured them that it was completely fine, and in doing this I would really appreciate it by having someone coming over to visit cause I was all alone right then. They told me to place the mug in front of my face holding it sideways in order to be able to see her. I said that I would do this and waited.

It took no more than about two minutes when i witnessed a somewhat overweight young woman appear out of thin air, or more like from out of the cover covering the back of the fridge while sitting on a chair. She was around three feet from where I sat upright on my bed. Her eyes and nose were covered with what appeared to be a really strange looking pair of goggles. They kind of looked something like virtual reality goggles that cell phones slide into.

I saw her and became shocked and freightened at the same time and all of a sudden, so I lowered the mug and she wasn't to be seen. I raised it then lowered it around four or five times with each time becoming more and more scared until finally after lifting the mug the last time i blurted outloud, "I still see you!!!"

At that point, I had worked myself up to just wanting to run out of the room and trailer as quick as I could and as fast I could run. She saw in me my fear and reacted to this quickly, but right before I left that room, she had placed her hands upon her chest and then disappeared falling backwards, chair and all into the cover that covered the back of the refrigerator.

I was so freaked out by that visit, t I had turned on all the light in the trailer except the bedrooms, and turned the living room tv on, but couldnt sit down and watch tv even if I was was paid big money to. I didnt return to my room for quite awhile but did so after one of my roommates had come home. My experience was criticized and not believed which didnt surprise me even though so many things had happened to me thinking that if I wrote a book, this might stop me from having to tell the strange things I've lived through so much so that it started to become more of a chore that something so crazy as they were, but I continue telling my tales to this day anyway.
I returned to my room where immediately was right back communicating with them except, they were the only ones doing the communicating, telling me that the mug will be taken away for a couple days but returned with it to never be used again. That's the last thing that happened exactly. Two days later after the mug wasn't in my bedroom where I looked hard trying to find it, it came back with a crack beginning half was up the side, traveling in a straight line down and through the two inch base and finally ending at the very top, where you put your lips on for taking a drink at. And then it disappeared forever but I know who took it along with my box of shot glasses that she insisted I let her help me by letting her finish packing it while getting ready to move out. given:
An empty suitcase full of memories.
The messages added salt to wounds.
The car accelerated before the signal turned green.
A wardrobe full of clothes that still had their tags on.
A dust free bookcase could hide a lot of lies.