

Casting me out !
When you are out casted - you become defiant and you arm your sanity to fight .
I was borne not to be what my parents were who ostensibly were casted by virtues of the craftsmanship. that was the family tradition.

They were masters in their trade .

When the so called high caste go shopping they want ‘real leather’ …why - why not buy stuff made of leaves or walk without shoes?????

Fucking A - you not going to get it if it’s not for the master leather craftsmen …Daravi née at the Bombay slums.

Yet you call them the untouchables - well - the self proclaimed higher castes - in fact you are the lowest of the low because you did not understand the premise that all humans are equal .

In case you ever retort back - you can take your wealth wherever you want but do not - repeat do not- ever a judge a human by his or her profession or for his or her misfortune!!!!

It is a very special country with diversity and culture (almost 13 different country people ) but I have the sorrow for India for its twisted mentality when it comes to caste system - who ever could think this kind of misappropriation!!

No where else - Buy Made in India !

I say it’s simply exploitation and the learned with their debates to manipulate the unschooled- not any more …not any more - but save the untouchables - they have my respect even if others don’t ….love for everyone on this planet .