

Paradise Regain - ( A Letter to Above )
Dear Michael,
How's our father..? Is he still on rage against me..?
When you receive this letter, we maybe on our way to Armageddon. Yes, we may have started our march to the Hill of Megiddo for the war of the end of the history.
Just three more months to go..!
I know things could have been different if I didn't tempted and obtrude those humans to consume the forbidden fruits of Eden. It would have been so different if that boy was not died on that cross in place of my beloved son, Barabbas. There were so many chances for me to stop it. There were so many occasions and opportunities for me to stop deceiving and torturing these creatures down here. But now, emendations are irrevocable. What's done is done and what's lost is irretrievably lost.
Now, so many decades had passed, and I don't think this war is of any meaning to me and my comrades, apart from my own ego.
I know it is too late now, for a just negotiation that demands egalitarianism, but I am still hoping for an arrangement to conduct a discussion with our father, so that we can reach a point of reconciliation. Kindly inform him that I am proposing a reconciliation, Brother.
But I am well aware of his obstinate nature. He can't be changed. He is such a foolish old Entity. But please show the generosity to remind and advice him about his declining health. He is old and weak, and it would be a reasonable resolution if he pull out his wish to wage a warfare against me to subjugate and toss me and my children into the lake of fire.
This is my final request to you, brother. Tell our father that he is going to lose in Megiddo and I don't want to slay my brothers. But if he is that adamant about not giving me my birth rights, tell him that i am going to come and take it from him. This is only to keep my dignity where it is now.
Listen, I want you to know one more thing, brother. This war is going to be done only to satisfy my ego, which I value more than our father's life, unfortunately. Yes..! That's what I am. That's how he made me. If I let it go, I cease to exist. I can't do that. If I do it, my very own existence becomes inconsequential and will be prone to be ridiculed by others. So, Please make him drop this war if you value our father's life.

Your's faithfully

From here on, my sleep is lost, brother, my sleep is lost.