

The less
It was once an innocent thought but as the saying goes, "curiosity killed the cat". In this matter I am the cat. I loved wondering about the things in my surrounding, as if they would lead me somewhere, to treasure or maybe to the end of the rainbow were an elf or angel would grant my wishes.
I used to walk on the tiles and not the cracks. Sometimes Vives versa, I was afraid that my shadow would learn my patterns and lore me into a trap.

But now.

Now I know that my shadow is just the absence of light because I am in the way. Now I know that there is no end to a rainbow with an elf or angel and that my imaginary friends can't play with me anymore. Nor is my shadow concerned with how or where I walk.

I found it, the less I know the better. I could sleep knowing that the next day I would greet my shadow as well as my imaginary friends, the cracks, the tiles and all my surroundings but now.

Now I sleep with worry that those before me will not experience the pleasures as I did.

© Staircase