

The Horrific Revelation
She was there, watching him as he stabbed her friend multiple times. She was hidden inside one of the open rooms that gave her easy access to view the hall. She had come home earlier than usual, to surprise her husband but never in her life did she imagine seeing this type of scene. She couldn't believe that the man she married is a murderer. Her sweet husband Mike, a murderer.

Another thing she found hard to understand, was the relationship between her friend and her husband? What was going on between them? For all she knew, Amy didn't even attend their wedding. And now, she laid dead, on her hallway floor. She should come out, she should confront him. But her feet stayed rooted to the ground. She covered her mouth to avoid making a sound.

She watched as Mike carried the severely mutilated body of Amy and left the house. Fortunately, he used the back door. She counted till ten, before dashing out of the house through the front door. She ran outside, ran down a mile, thanking God that she packed her car away from the house. She got inside and drove off, leaving a trail of dust.

Emma found herself in the town park. It was empty today, as it was a busy week. Only a few kids with their parents were there. The wind blew, singing a soft melody as it caresses the leaves, lifting them gently and higher up in the air. The peace and serenity she felt were ironic to what she was actually going through. She had just experienced a murder, but had no idea what to do. Of course she won't. Mike is not a murderer. Maybe it was a misunderstanding. But deep down, she knew it couldn't be. She knew what she saw. Her husband stabbed Amy multiple times she could hardly keep count.

When did her life become like this? When did it change so drastically? Things had been going great. Her marriage was the best. She was proud of her husband, so proud she boasted about him everywhere she went. She didn't know what to feel anymore though. Her state of panic had left her in shock.

Her phone rang, and she realised that the sun had gone down, the darkening of the evening sky reminded her that it was late. She picked up her phone, and saw that it was her husband calling. She wasn't sure if she should answer the call, or not. She didn't want him to suspect anything, so she swiped the call and answered.

"Hello?" She said, sounding happy.

"Hey hon, where are you? It's getting late." This was Mike, this was the husband she knew. The person she saw stabbing someone wasn't her husband. Who is she deceiving? Is this even the real him?

" I'm fine. I decided to make a stop somewhere, but I'm on my way home already." She paused, then decided to ask anyway.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything is fine. Just a little tired though." Emma smiled sadly.

"Drive safe, hon. Love you!"

"Love you too." She said, placing her hand on her tummy, wondering how she can protect the life in her womb from this reality.
© Naomi Obasi

P.S Should I continue the story? this is just a draft.