

The Descending
My eyes fluttered, heart racing a million beats per second. My gaze felt heavy and disoriented. I didn't feel well at all. My stomach clenched and my throat burned like I just injuested acid. Figures wearing what seemed like white lab coats slowly moved in front of me, as if they were examining me. As if my life was some type of expirement to them all. I tried to move but my limbs and body wouldn't budge. I was trapped here and I couldn't seem to get out of this situation. A muscular looking man in a tight fighting lab coat moved closer to me, sensing that I was now awake. He brushed his fingers against my jawline and spoke to me in gentle words. "I know right now this life seems to be confusing, but soon my dear you'll descent". His words startled me so much I gasped, scared by my own voice my eyes widened. "Shhh.... don't speak, the descending is about to begin" he whispered in almost a seductive tone. The next few seconds is a blur because all I see is a yellow pill coming towards my mouth. I try with everything in my body to move but it's useless I'm out of my own control. The man uses his grubby fingers to hold my mouth open while putting the yellow pill on my tongue. It stings as soon as it makes contact with my mouth, my eyes water in response. After a few seconds the stinging subsides and my body feels as though it's burning from the inside out.
"This is only the cleansing process my dear child. We have to make sure you are pure before you descend to elsewhere" the man says softly, slowly, taking his time with each word that leaves his mouth. I try to say something, anything but the pain I'm experiencing is too much for me to handle.
As the burning feeling intensifies the man shakes his head and looks down at me with pure disappointment.
"it seems as though you aren't pure enough my dear child. I'm sorry to do this but there's no saving someone like you"
Before his words can process in my mind, I hear the sound of a chainsaw starting up somewhere near my feet. My eyes widen in horror as the last sound I remember is the blade making contact with my flesh and bones.

© Ashley Tulley