

he hurt me with such pain 6-9 age...( warning content of urge dont read if under 14).
She smiled with quiet determination,
The journey was tough but so was she
she couldnt go home for there he was
sitting there in his chair
she wanted it to stop but there was no stopping
he forced and force till she felt agony
she want him to stop till finally.
MOM you were ther and you helped you called to take him away but they took you to. they hurt us with such pain. just to leave without a name.
they tore us in two and we left. they hurt us with more pain.
he force me on and her whispered its okay then he said go away. next time he was worse he got addicted like a horse. he hurt me with such pain. I said no a thousand time but that word means nothing till the day we die. but when we die theres nothing but grief. for I know he will be long gone no where to be seen. till one day he'll come back to take you more no for granted like he usually does. it hurts me than ever oh he hurt me with such pain. please take him away so I can go, go on my day so I'm a not a broken girl for there is no way to help but to bring sorrow. oh he hurt me with such pain.