

God speaks to us!
We all have our life story. As I reflect upon those many people who made a difference in my life. I reflect on someone I met at a supermarket. I was having a bad day and then I kind lady just smiles at me. I didn't know her but I knew at that moment God was speaking to me through her, saying all will be well. Be of good cheer!

The kind lady, didn't seem rich rather she seemed so humble and she seemed like such a beautiful person inside and outside. God speaks to me on a daily basis. He speaks to me through nature especially. I'm surrounded by beautiful melodiously chirping birds every single morning.

This is my moment with my God. I feel God's love as soon as I hear the sound of these amazing birds. I also feel the warmth of God's heavenly embrace, when I feel the warmth of the sun shining brightly upon me every morning also.

So it's as if I wake up to heaven on earth. I feel Jesus. I experience His sweetness in the beauty of these heavenly creations. My advice to you is listen to God's voice. He really does speak to us.

God is a God of love. May you be blessed by my story. God's real! Always believe in God, in heaven and in His holy angels! Jesus is what heaven is like! It is amazing to know we can experience a touch of heaven on earth! We can experience Jesus! So may God allow you to experience His radiance and His light upon your inner being as well. All blessing and honour , glory and power belongs to God always!