

Linea From Eris: Answers!
"Hello Touri! so I see you are a caeli,
you went on Linea's brother ."

"oh he.. hello "replied Touri to uncle Jed. "I guess I am "week laughed Touri.

This was Linea ''s second part of her perpitmae. and with her this time was Touri her pet maem.

Linea started speaking "look, Touri now I have to announce you to the family OK you just need to wave at them "And with this she walked over to the front of the room and announced Touri. Linea was very happy that she had decided Touri's name before as usually there is always a whole meeting on deciding the name of her pet maem As she was really tired and wanted to lie down even if she could not sleep. After like one more hour in the living room everyone went back and Linea was impressed to see people so active in the middle of the night ,when even she could keep awake in this amazing event.
So Linea and Touri went back to their room. As soon as the door had closed
"What were there so many people!
All to see me! "Touri squeaked .
"Oh Touri it's not everyday someone gets a pet maem. Bad don't worry I know you might get nervous but these events won't happen all the time !"replaid Linea.

Linea lay down on her bed ,she was too tired to keep talking but she was too excited to sleep,. "Touri? ..This may sound d crazy but can we ...like send brain messages to each other. "
"well lin, Yes we can but I have heard we need to Learn how to do it as you have to really concentrate "replaid Touri.

Linea's desire to sleep had taken over and she was already asleep before she could reply, and Touri seems to understand and she too fell asleep.

TRRRRRR!! "hummm" Linea
woke up in the morning to her alarm . she started to walk to the bathroom. but then she realized that Touri was still asleep on her bed, first Linea gave herself a heartattak as she forgot that Touri was there but then woke her up and continued to the bathroom.Linea suddenly had a thought "wait a moment! I can't go to the washroom with Touri! "
"Touri"she said "you can't go in the bathroom with me ..so can you stay outside. "Linea said.
"What... "Tori groaned "Ok"
and with that Linea went to the door and went in but as she walked over to the sink she was suddenly jerked backwards . "Ahhhhhh!!!"screamed Linea.
Liena scrambled up and got out of the bathroom. "What was that!! " she burst at Touri
"Whoa calm down ,I don't know but I did hear something about invisible bonds "Said Touri calmly .And with that Linea swept out of her room finding her Parents. She found them both in the kitchen talking.. "Mum, Dad can you please explain some things to me "Linea said.
"Oh I hav even waiting forever for this! "whispered her dad excitedly.
Linea ignored him and sat down on the table and her dad followed., and her mom brought palaces with her and put them on the table.