

fake Reality

I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand.it didnt make sense to me,all of it happened so fast that no one could've done anything I was scared and terrified.But there was three things that. crossed my mind that made matter worse.one why am in a this car with a total stranger,two why am I lying down with a dead body,three who killed her definitely not me.
I wasn't sure of what to do or say ,o was trembling at the back of the car were the Person has thrown her.I sat there no noise,no movement,it was dark and there was something odd about the car,it was weird and nasty and dirty.I can't read the writings on the wall and I knew the man is here the murderer is right I front of me.I pretended to be asleep though the whole thing hasn't awoken yet.I was quiethearing the breathes form the strange man driving.
An hour passed and my eyes were still adjusting more to the darkness.
I know you're awake he finally the make out the sentence,as he grabbed my arm.
I woke up screaming,no no no no it didnt make sense it was just a dream,just a fake reality.