

I dialled my own number.
I dialed my own number from my phone instead of saying the number you have dialed is currently busy it said wait she will speak to you. I thought i dialed the wrong number but as I checked the number it was my own number. Then came a voice may i know who is there, i replied yeah it is me shabnam. The voice replied oh my own self how are you, i have been dying to listen from you, i am noticing you each and every time and i observe that you are forgetting me and you don't care about me a bit. I said stop talking like this and tell me who you are. She again replied can't you identify your own inner self, can't you feel me. I shouted loudly oh please don't irritate me. And then i disconnected the call. Suddenly my cousin appeared, who was laughing much and ahe told me it was me who was talking to you. Then i understood how it happened as we both had same phones and she intentionally exchanged them to play a prank.
© syed shabnam