

The Hello Man Chapter 5
After The Hello Man killed the priest a demon known as Demo, guard of the gates between Hell and the Underworld, walked up the body. The Hello Man couldn't see him, because demons aren't visible to the human eye. He showed his hand to the dead body and it began to glow as bright as the sun. He flew into the dead body, possessing it. The glowing stopped. It wasn't even a full minute after possessing the body where some kind of ancient half eagle half demon wings started to grow on his back. A few moments later, when the wings were done growing he vanished into the sky unseen.
A while later when he was kilometres away from the street near the mansion he stood still in the sky near a farm, he noticed that his new body's flesh and blood had somehow vanished. He was all and only bone like some tipe of demonic skeleton creature with weird cool looking ancient wings. He saw a scarecrow in a corn field wearing a black trench coat with black skinny jeans holding 2 scythes in each of the two hands. He flew to the cornfield and landed on the ground in front of the scarecrow. He took the trench coat from the bird scaring human sized puppet. He got himself dressed up with some demonic spells to make the clothes fit for him, since he was a very skinny creature. He also took the 2 scythes.
All the sudden he heard voices from distance. He flew in the sky seeking for some mortal souls to test his demonic powers on. He saw a farm house 1 and a half kilometres away and he started to fly towards it. There at the front porch was a very young couple sitting on the ground talking to each other. Demo didn't hesitate, he had thrown one of his scythes towards the couple while flying to them from a few hundreds of metres away. The scythe had perfectly sliced both of their head clean off while flying in a circle-ish way back to Demo. He laughed while admiring his throwing skills.
A farmer walked peacefully out of the farmhouse when he saw DEMO in the sky.
He noticed the farmer and first he greeted him for a joke to the human kind, but after the farmer started to run away what was left except to kill him.
He flew to the farmer's direction while the farmer started to have regrets not running into the house instead of running into a plain opening area. He was kinda getting tired, but when he looked backwards for quick sec while still running he noticed that Demo had completely disappeared. He stopped running and started to look around. Could he have gone crazy? Just before anymore thoughts could roam through his mind his head got decapitated. Demo had all the sudden stood just behind him as the head was falling of the body, spilling mortal blood all over the ground. Just when he started to laugh the headless body fell to the ground and that made Demo laugh even harder. He looked at the two body parts spilling out blood and said to himself, “It feels good to kill mortals once again”. He walked towards the house and went in, noticing that a kid was hiding under a table. He walked up to the table and had put his right hand on the table platform, it began to burn. He saw the kid burn alive and thought to himself, “I was wondering if I could use my Demonic Powers in the real world”. Suddenly he heard a crack like noice above him. He began to float. He went through the roof as if he was a ghost. He saw 2 people working with some hay bales. He just showed his right hand towards them and they started to burn as well. DEMO flew out of the farm. When he was a great distance away he showed his hands to the farm's derection. All the sudden the hole farm exploded. He flew away with laughter while the fire spread to the fields and while the 2 scythes vanished. A few hours later he landed in front of a hotel. He walked in. Every one who looked at him turned on fire. He looked at a painting on a wall. He saw a demon like creature known as SATAN was in the middle of the picture. He saw people standing in a circle around SATAN. All the sudden the painting turned orange. Demo heard a voice say, “Get in Demo, Now!”. He walked through the painting. He arrived in a place who looked familiar to him, The Underworld. Around him he saw dead mortals, Demons and other horrifying creatures. He saw a path made of black rocks. He followed it. After a while he came to a hill. He saw a throne on the hill made of gold. Satan sat on it. He asked Demo why he left the gates between Hell and the Underworld unprotected. He replied that he got bored of protecting the gates. SATAN said that if he wanted freedom, he needed to pay for it. Demo looked away. SATAN told Demo that there was another way he could pay him. Demo wanted to know how. So SATAN told him that he should kill a Demon known as The Hello Man in the real world, because that Demon turned his back on him. Demo said that he couldn't do it, because The Hello Man's soul was once his dead son's. SATAN said that he didn't care, it was either to kill The Hello Man or his demonic powers. Demo later chose to kill The Hello Man. SATAN got a smile on his face and said, “You chose good my creation”. SATAN moved his left hand a little forward and DEMO vanished from the Underworld, appearing in the Hotel in front of that painting of earlier.

#TheHelloManUniverse #Anime #Horror

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