

I am Lucky to Have you ( Part 10)
Alice - I know what I am doing you don't have to tell me.

Man - Fine just listen what I am going to tell you than I will let you go if you will insist, it's a promise.

Alice - Fine ,speak up fast .

Man - First tell me that are you finding your parents now also .

Alice - Yes
( I have been finding my parents since I was 6 , but I was never able to find them ☹️😔, I want to ask them why did they abondoned me .)

Man - Than I have some good and bad news for you . I have been finding or researching about your parents and all their information and than I found I am sorry to say that but your parents are not alive .

Alice - ( Tears automatically started coming from my eyes and rolling through my cheecks .)
What are you saying you must be mistaken that can't be true you are mistaken 😭.
( Man comforting Alice )
Man - I am sorry about that because I want to tell you something more important than this so get yourself together for it .

Alice - Tell me what is it

Man - Your parents were murdered by their business partner .

Alice - What 😰😠who is that person what exactly happened tell me everything .

Man - They both were partners and friends too and at some time he thought of take over the company all by himself .He started to make changes in company in their contract and everything.
Your father was a nice person they both argued a lot . And one day your father's partner hired someone to kill your father , mother and the child in her womb means you .
But luckily someone saw your mother and deliver you but your mother died in the process. And that lady when realised about the situation she handed you over to the orphanage for your safety .

Alice - 😭( I can't stop my tears from falling ) How do you know so much ,

Man - Cuz I have found your father's secretary and that woman too they told me everything .

Alice - Who was my dad's partner I will destroy him 😠😠😠.

( Other side of the scene )
Mr.Raj - Tell me fast did you get any news about her .

Uddit - No sir

Alice - I am sorry for disappearing last time.

Raj - Are you okay ? Are you hurt? Who kidnapped you ?

Alice - Calm down ,calm down Mr. Raj its nothing it was just a prank from my friend nothing much ,and I am alright .

Raj - Who the hell is he how he can prank a kidnapping .

Alice 😂😂 don't worry sir .I should get back to work .

Raj - ( Why is she so joyful suddenly)Hmm,ok

To be continued..........