

cassies dream part 18
Ty paid for everyone's meals and they all headed out. Cassie had stuff to do before the dinner tomorrow. Ty had a few calls to make Sam tells Missy "I have a few things I have to do go check on some cows and another stop about some puppies would you like to tag along?""You don't mind? I would love to." Steve has Nina if she could ride Cassie leans up in her seat "Hello I am her best friend." Steve laughed "That was pretty dumb question huh well then would you like to go for a ride?" "Sure sounds like fun." Steve goes to the barn to saddle a couple of horses for him and Nina to go for a ride. Ty follows Cassie into the house he puts his arms around her "you know you girls are really amazing you will stand up and call someone on bullshit." "well I don't know if it's right or wrong but that's just the way we are and I am not going to sit and let someone I care about be made a fool of." "that's the reason I love you I'm going to go in and take care of the business I need to take care of and if you need help with anything you just let me know." Cassie gives him a kiss on the cheek and says okay she will she can use to get her stuff together so she can make the dishes if she's going to make, calls her mom her mom says that she already has the stuff started for her for tomorrow not to worry about it
Steve leads the horses out of the barn walks up to Nina and hands for the reins of one of the horses "this horse's name is Diamond she's a really good girl she shouldn't give you any trouble."Nina gets on the horse Steve gets on his horse and they take off down the pass through the field for a while they are silent and then Steve looks over at her "So would you be interested in giving this thing a try?" Nina smiles "The thing being me and you?" "Yes that would be the thing." "Let me ask a couple of questions first before I answer. I have dreams that I want to follow would you be against me doing that?" "The dream being modeling?" "Yes" "No I wouldn't be against you following your dreams and considering one of the biggest names in New York is my sister I don't see any problems in that not happening." "Well I am in for seeing what happens with this thing." "Alright now come on I want to show you one of my favorite places on the whole property this is where I would like to build a house if I know I'm going to have a wife and a family I can't see building a big house out here just to live here by myself but I don't want to live in the city if I don't have to I just live there now because of my Law practice they ride a little bit farther and then go over the small Mound and around a bend and then there's just opening the surrounded by beautiful oak trees it's just a nice peaceful beautiful spot in the middle of nowhere Steve looks at her "This is it."
Sam and Missy load up and Sam's truck and they head out to check on the livestock and the dogs and go by the office and see if there's anything else that he needs to take care of before they go back to ties for the evening when I get over to where the livestock is Missy follows him inside he talks to the owner of the farm then he goes out and he checks a few cows Missy stands back out of the way but then Sam tells her he needs something and she gladly goes to the truck and gets it for him and when they're getting ready to leave he's telling the farmer some instructions on how to take care of the cow and new baby calf and Missy has it all written down and hands it the farmer Sam walks out to the truck and they leave they go to the next place Missy tries helping him without being in the way. They go to Sam's house he has to feed and water his two dogs and his chickens he has a few baby calves he has to take care of he gets all that done with her help. They go in the house "You want and beer or soda?" Sam asked. "I will drink a beer with you." Missy answers. Sam goes to kitchen and comes back with two beers hands her one and then sits down." Thank you for your help and thanks again for this morning can't say I have had to many people stand up for me like that." "You're welcome I just don't like it when people try to back you a corner and make you do something you don't want to do. And it was easy to see you didn't want to talk to her." "You are right there we broke up almost a year ago I said what I had to say and I am done with it." Missy sits her beer down and walks over to him and sits on his lap facing him. "I really like you and I like being around you." "You do?" Missy kisses him "Yes" She pulls his shirt over his head then she pulls hers over her head she isn't wearing a bra. Sam licks his lips "What pretty titties you have." Taking her nipple between his thumb and finger and lightly pinching it. "Oh yes." Sam laughs and starts to kiss her when there is a knock on the door. "Damnit," Missy pulls her shirt back on and Sam grabs his putting back on opens the door to Tisha. "Sam honey" pushing her way in the door "I know the cafe was not the best place for us to talk." She finally sees Missy. "Oh Am I interrupting something?" Missy stands up "Yes you are so do you mind he told you he didn't have anything to say to you." Tisha looks at Missy "Who are you anyway?" Sam gets Tisha by the arm and leads her back to the door"She is my girlfriend and you need to go." "Kelly said you weren't seeing anyone." "Well Kelly was wrong. Good bye Tisha." Missy looks at Sam "Lets go back to Cassies at least there is a gate to keep the weirdos out."
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