

school picnic
This story is of my childhood when I used to study in fourth grade I was very young then I had a picnic in school I don't remember how much money was it, for my picnic. At that time my mother told me yes to go there so me with my friend Both of us were firm friends in the bus sitting with Priya, I was getting bored sitting there, my friend gave me a lot to eat, later our picnic also came. I was little and i didn't even know the name of that picnic that garden was very nice and looking new and that was the year 2016 and everything was made on 2015 some museum there and we found different types of asiant pictures and visit other places and it was great for social science but yes the museum was not that boring either it was very good it was fun too But after a while people started looking at my shoes, to be honest, the shoe was very expensive means it was costly, and I used to insist on small things in my childhood, that's why Mama bought me that beautiful expensive shoe by reducing the price. To say, that it was shoe, it was sandal from back and it was beautiful, shiny and silver in appearance, it was beautiful, shiny and silver, all the people liked my shoe very much, because of this all the people started wearing my shoes and a girl lost my shoe, That's why she is scared of it and did not tell me, she snatched my shoe and gave me her shoe to wear when she understood see lost, see started hiding her feet from me, I bought a hair band like a butterfly and like a flower, all the people also saw my headband and All the guests used to tell me that my choice is always good, so because of this, all the people started seeing my flower like hair band and thay went to buy it, then it was the last one left, the last one was which I wore. After a while I came to know that she had lost my expensive shoe, so I was afraid I was afraid of my mother's scolding, that's why I started crying, all the teachers of the school started looking for that expensive shoe, after a while they found a monkey on the tree. Saw one monkey who had put both my shoes on his feet, I m not joking, it was true it looked very funny, all the people started laughing seeing that monkey, then he was very clever of mind, that's why the teacher threw the stone and still he don't throw the shoe down Because of my crying, all the people thought of their planning, but nothing came to mind, suddenly some idea came to my mind, I told that idea to the teacher, the teacher heard this and took out the monkey's favorite thing, banana from my tiffin and he ran away. Started eating bananas and we all ran quickly with his shoes, when we all saw the monkey from under the plants, it was jumping here and there with anger, he liked those shoes very much, because of this, we got out of there hiding from the plants. But the story didn't end here either Because by showing stubbornness to the mother, neither I passed the problem which the God gave it because of my bad Karma at childhood, so I passed then the upper God give me the other problem it was knowing first of all that I will pass so so even that monkey has took my hair band it gave to her child which I didn't saw upper one gave another trouble, I saw my face in the mirror in the bus, then I understood that my hair band was missing and it was too expensive, I was very stubborn, never understood the importance of money, that's why I went into stress When I went home and told the whole incident to my mother, my mother asked me as 'was I sleeping, then I said yes, then mamma said maybe when you were sleeping, the monkey must have taken your hair band, otherwise it may gave it to it's own child. I said while crying face 'why these always happens to me mamma which bad I done. Explained mamma to me that you who were crying to buy that thing by showing your stubbornness which you were requesting me if I don't allowed too for small things and which You were not completing H-W and saying the lie reason too teacher & the next thing is that you catch more phone and less studies and you don't even respect to your elders. That's why God got angry with you, God never completes those people wishes if it's found anything bad on them just make it proper just remember what bad you done and try to go on doing everything good for good fruit by God. you lost your favourite hair band just because of your bad Karma. Today he snatched your shoes to teach you a lesson, but because of your wisdom & brain, you passed and because of this, God gave you the second problem, you had taken the expensive hair band of Rs.105 Hanuman ji gave it to the monkey. maybe monkey got that beautiful happened just because of its good Karma and you got your shoes just because of your brain. And I hugged my mamma with my crying face saying sorry
moral - if you do good you get good if you do bad then you get bad. if we change yourselves and we are good then our future will change by itself & god will help you in difficulties & yes the second moral is it's not like that you are not getting a wisdom you need to make your own creation of wisdom by your brain.
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