

Trust need treatment
it's time of morning but in hostel it's like party time. why no one can do party? it is golden moment for hostel students who waiting entire year for this. when I finish my exam and go my home from my second home. yes it's last paper but most of student preparing for going home rather than there last paper:).but in room number 222 environment is little different.one boy crying in balcony one other boy come near him and ask" what happens Ethan? why are you crying? Ethan replies him in broken words " my father who used to pick me after every last paper but this year that's not happing " boy try to gave some hope to Ethan because same time year ago Ethan father died in accident.one other roommate of Ethan is go near room and bring with him some other friends.
you very well know when team of friends seat together what happens. yes full of enjoyment. each of one try to put one smile on Ethan face and after some time theire idea work. Ethan join party and forget about accident.also time for examination is comes near so all friends leave for exam.

(after examination)
all student leave for theire respective homes. Ethan also leave for bus station with his friend barry. both good bye
watchman uncle and take auto for bus station. he just enter in bus station and garry's bus is standing like it waiting for him:)
but no sign of Ethan bus may be it little bit late.so garry say bye to ethan and leave for home.ethan buy some packets of snaks and bottle of water after thamong seat on bench. after some time one boy look like 23 or 24 year old come and seat with Ethan.some time after he start conversation with Ethan and first he ask one address and after he request him to give him some money for going home. also he said when I will be back first return your money. in jounaral Ethan answer we all know some unknown person make request this type who say yes but when he tell about his father Ethan ear open fully. that boy start crying in front of ethan and tell "my father just past away half hour ago and in hurry I forgot my volant in my room if you have some money please help me I promise when I back hear first I gave your money back.please halp me." after hearing that words from that boy mouth Ethan check his purse. around 400$ is their he gave 300$ that boy and said don't worry about money when every you back this is my number you call me. that boy story is really heart touching any one heart melt hear. suddenly Ethan's city bus enter in bus stand and Ethan say good bye to that boy and say stay strong. Ethan journy approximately 6 to7 hours. that boy call him 3 times during journey and janualy talk with him .Ethan reach home and after 2 days .............
Ethan just remember suddenly about that boy and think let's talk with him he reach home saf or not ? so he just call him but in answer phone saw this phone number is wrong. he think this may some techanical issue so he tray phone continue atleast 3 days and if I count number of phone made by Ethan it approximately 15 times.now doubt create in Ethan mind that person who meet him on station is froud ? can he use my emotions? can he break my trust? all questions answer is yes after that day he try many time to contact with that boy but same story repeting.

to be continue...........

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