

My story❤️✨
Hello Everyone ☺️, Today I'm going to share my story which is emotional,joyful, cute.....like me😂

So lets start , My name is Srishti Narang , I'm living in Delhi with my parents, I'm just 15 years old...but I look mature than my age I look like a college girl and people think I'm ready for marriage and bring proposals of their son to my mother, my mother always blames me for that....It's not my mistake actually .....it's who I'm. Boys propose me think that I could marry them 🙄 what....I'm just a kiddo yrr. According to my age i behave childish and cute .

Next topic is Body shaming , You know what I have experienced this a lot in school at childhood when I was nearly 5 to 13. They call me Fatty, Fatty ass , panda , buffalo, cow . At that age i cried a lot then I workout a lot and lose half of my weight and now the people called me that bad words are now my friends .
I dk why people body shame others like what do they get after doing all this .... If they are judging me just because of my body shape so they are mental unstable because they should know God have created us in a unique and different way . And please friends don't think insecure about your color, weight, height . If anybody makes fun of you just are u jealous of me? that u dont have what I have....it's pretty simple dude!!! Think positive and accept who you are ....you are truly beautiful 😍✨.And you will shine by your inner beauty.

i hope you liked it 😁
© Shine writings