

Dark Secrets Chapter I
Amethyst P.O.V
We were all born on this earth for a reason. We were all given the lives we have for a reason whether it is good or bad. God would always be there to protect us. His lordship, our king of this wonderful land, would always be there to protect us, we were taught. We all looked up to our king, but as I glanced up at the magnificent dark stoned castle through my families small cottage house window, I began to wonder what the reason for us being here was. It seemed as if we were nothing. Nothing but forced to work, forced to watch as others around us died of disease and watch every morning as the sun would make its way into the big, beautiful sky above us, where our Lord and savior was supposed to be. Where I truly wished to be. My mother and father, older brother, and my sweet little sister needed me though. I knew that and couldn’t take the risk of leaving them with one less person to help them to survive here.
Our little home sat in the middle of nowhere. We didn’t have any neighbors for miles. All there was were mountains of green hills and trees that made up the vast forest a few hundred feet away. The town lay just about an hour beyond the castle by horse. The grand dark castle sat atop a hill overlooking the entire village and beyond it, but we would never know what it truly felt like being there. We were just the peasants. The poor farming family forced to work and wear rags while the rich and royal were able to dine on the fresh crops we spent all day picking. Life out here was hard for us.
"Amethyst, have you gathered all the eggs this morning?" My mother asked from the small, dirtied kitchen.
I shook my head in response.
"I'll do that now, mother." I mumbled before walking towards the wooden door.
I reached my hand out, ready to open the door when a strong grip was placed on my wrist. I looked up and saw the angry eyes of my father. I nodded my head to him as a sign of respect as all women were to do to the men.
"Do not let me hear your mother tell you to do what you're supposed to be doing again." He said sternly.
"Yes, father. It won't happen again."
I pushed the door open and ran towards the chickens. I gathered all the eggs, milked the cows, and washed the clothes with our wash bucket. It took me from dusk to dawn to get everything together.
"Good job today, sweetie." My mother said putting her arm around my shoulder. "I'm sure we'll have more stuff tomorrow."
We walked back in and ate our dinner before going to bed. My parents slept soundly on the two couches we had as my little sister cuddled on the ground with a sheet and another sheet folded up as her pillow. My brother mouthed goodnight to me as he laid by our sister near the fireplace. I stayed up by the small squared hole in the stone wall that made up the window. The sun was now almost set. The welcoming orange and yellow blended together perfectly as a soft glow beamed around it. It was beautiful. The only thing that radiated pure beauty here. As the night sky grew darker, my eyes went heavier and heavier until I fell into a deep sleep.

© Sierra321