

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. then I slowly turn to see if I was really followed, behold as I turned I saw nothing but my reflection.
I kept wondering if I was hallucinating because it was so real. I went back to the hospital front door to see if I can meet the nurse in charge of my friend room when I saw a man on black Rob. he was gazing at me but I kept wondering why he was so focus on me , I turn around to see if my body was expose but I was okay. then I try changing my directions but he kept walking toward me.
help me ! I grabbed one of the nurses there
"how may I help you" she said
I pointed to the direction of the man "he has been following me around"
who? she said
I looked around to see if the man was still there then I turned to tell her that the man was opposite her only for me to find out that I was holding the man
oh my God!! I screemed at the top of my voice only for me to be get a tap
"you screemed aloud, what seems to be the problem" . that was my mum talking....
so..... so... it was .... a dream?? I said..
this is what happened when you watch horror movies to bed 🤣