

I Love U 🙂💞( Short Story..Must-Read)

A middle aged wife was sitting on a sofa reading some newspaper and her husband was looking at her warmly. He said in soft tone: 'I love you!'

She looked at him scornfully and said: 'Most of people say this tempting sentence, but they don't mean it at all'

She provoked him and he felt as though he had been despised by her answer. He said:

'What do you mean? am I lying?'

'I mean that we usually say things without being aware of the meaning!' she said calmly.

He quickly replied:

' I love you. And I mean what I say.'

'How? explain!'

' I am always thinking of you. You invaded my mind and my soul. Something that happened beyond my control'

'Oh at that point! Come on and stop pulling my leg. Stories as usual.'

'Oh how can I make you believe me?'

'I will believe you if you tell me what's the meaning of I LOVE YOU. Tell me something of your own, not what the others repeat in movies.'

'Are you leading me to some challenge?'

'Maybe, but I think you have nothing to say.'

'Ok. I love you means that I care for you and I can't live without you', he said reluctantly, seemingly not convinced of his own answer.

'Not interesting my dear,' she simply said.

'You are so meticulous my dear. Why are you always looking for troubles?'

'We are discussing not fighting. There is a big difference.'

'So what is the meaning of it?' the husband asked.

'I didn't say it to ask me to give you the meaning. I say only what I mean.'

He grew nervous and asked her:
' Do you mean that you don't love me?'

'This is another topic!' she answered sarcastically.

'Am I talking to a philosopher?'

'Who knows? at any rate, learn to say what you mean!'

'I love you' can mean a thousand different things. Hopefully when it is said it is meant, and the person who hears it understands that it is heartfelt and honest. However, if the one who says 'I love you' does not SHOW their love in the ordinary every day things, then the person to whom they say it will inevitably question it, since they do not FEEL loving actions and kindness in the every day things.Of course to question someone about what they mean by saying those three words, or to demand they show what they mean, etc..., creates its own set of problems and confusions on both sides.🙂✌🏻💞

© Ashish Oberoi
#lovecouples #loveconnection #writcostory #shortstory