

The Hello Man Chapter 2
On the 23rd of March 2022 The Hello Man was standing in a desert where it was raining blood. There also stood a Demon known as DEMO. He told The Hello Man that he slept enough and that he sould wake up from that pitty so called worderland of terror. Then all the sudden inside the old Rogers Mansion's basement one pair of red eyes appeared in a dark corner. The Hello Man looked at his right hand while still being brought back to the real world. He saw the Anti Blood Knife in his hand, but not only that, he also saw his weapons appearing back to the real world. The Hello Man smiled, then vanished into the darkness of the basement. That night he killed the hole Roger family who still lived there.
The second of May 2022 a family of 6, bought the empty mansion. As soon as every thing was in place the family went to pick rooms. James and Maria picked the master bedroom. The Grandma, Jana picked the tiny room on the first floor and the 3 children, Anna, William and Leo each picked a room also on the first floor. That night everything was normal, but not until ten clock in the morning. Anna heard a whispering voice say, “Hello.” A few times while she was sleeping. She just tried to acnore the voice, but the whispering voice was extremely irritating. She stood up from her bed and walked to her opened widow, because that's where the sound was coming from. The Hello Man appeared just behind her with red golwing eyes. He took hold of Anna's head and broke her neck by turning her head 90 decrease. Then he took a rope and used it to hang Anna extremely quietly so that it looked like suicide. The Hello Man vanished into the darkness with a smile. That morning when Anna's dad went to wake her up for school, he saw his own daughter hanging from the roof with a rope, dead! James quickly told Maria to call the police and for an ambulance! After Maria called the police and hospital James whispered to himself sounding extremely sad, “Why on Earth did you do this to your self?” A while later the police was checking Anna's room while the family was in the hospital. After a while Anna was declared dead. Back at the mansion one pair of red glowing eyes appeared in a dark corner and all the sudden without whispering “Hello” The Hello Man appeared and stabbed a police man with the Anti Blood Knife on the back of his neck. He also cut the police man's chest open to remove his heart. He ate it. Then he vanished with the dead body. A moment later The Hallo Man appeared again and this time his hole body was visible. He had an axe with him. The rest of the police force saw him and they told him to stay down, to put his weapon down and to get on his knees on the ground, because there was dry blood on his axe. The Hello Man's eyes got extremely red and it wasn't even 30 seconds, before all the police men's heads were chopped clean off. Blood splattered out of their dead bodies. Just before the family went in side the house The Hello Man disappeared with all the dead bodies, blood and even the police cars. The family thought the police left, because there was no clues of why Anna committed suicide. Later at Midnight the family was sleeping in their beds while a pair of red eyes appeared in Leo's room. Then all the sudden a whispering voice whispered, “Hello”, but Leo didn't hear it, he was sound asleep. The Hello Man's entire body became visible an he took a empty water glass. He crushed it broken. He took a large sharp piece of glass and sliced Leo's neck with it. He then placed the piece of glass with blood on in, in Leo's right hand. He threw the rest of the glass pieces on the floor. His eyes became redder. He vanished into the darkness. That morning Leo's mother came to wake him for school. A loud scream went off from out of her mouth. Later the police came to the mansion while the family was once again at the hospital. Leo was declared dead. When the family got home the police told them that they have to stay with them untill tomorrow morning so that any one of them doesn't try to suicide like the other two. That Afternoon the family went to a funeral. Leo and Anna's bodies got buried while a priest asked God to take their souls to the holy home. That night at eleven o clock the family was sleeping while police guards surrounded the inside and outside of the mansion. In William's room there was two guards. All the sudden the The Hello Man appeared in the kitchen, but he was invisible. He took a butcher knife from a table and walked soundless to William's room. He saw the two guards. He whispered, “Hello”. Then one guard asked, “Who the hell said that?” The Hello Man stabbed both guards silently a thousands of times on their chests until they both were dead. Then he stabbed the boy's forehead. He removed the knife and put it in William's right hand. The Hello Man's red glowing eyes became visible. After a few seconds the red eyes vanished. That morning when the police entered William's room they saw that he killed the two guards and then they saw that he committed suicide. The family was extremely shocked. They're last child was also declared dead and he also had a funeral that day. That night there was extra guards at the mansion. At two o clock in the morning all and only the guards heard a whispering voice whisper, “Hello”. All the sudden The Hello Man appeared with his hole body visible. He had a gun with him and shot all the guards without making any noise. All the sudden James went out of his room to go the bathroom. The Hello Man didn't thought even once, he shot James in his forehead. Now that shot made noise! The Hello Man placed the gun in James's right hand and then vanished into the darkness. Maria and Jana went out of their rooms and saw the thousands of dead bodies. That morning they first went to the hospital then the nearest church. They asked a priest to come and bles their masnsion, because of the thousands of souls that are lost in that masnsion. That night the priest blessed their house. All the sudden the priest heard a whispering voice whisper, “Hello,
Remember Me!” The priest got a half shocked and half scared face. He thought for a few seconds to himself, “It can't be the same whisper I mean I got rid of that, but it is the same mansion, but how, I got rid of that demon!” He later asked the family if any paranormal stuff has happened since they moved in. Jana answered, “No there wasn't any, well except the suicide of my sun in law and my three grandchildren”. Then the priest told the family about the legend of The Hello Man. Ater that he told them that the suicides might not have been suicides, but murders. A while later the priest asked if he could stay the night and the family agreed. He told his plan to the family. Later the Army arrived with tanks and stood still in front of the mansion. They also brought plasma guns. It was three o clock in the morning. Jana was in the house while Maria and the priest was outside with the army. Later the priest heard a whispering voice whisper, “Hello”. The priest took a small glass bottle of holy water and a 500ml Coke bottle with petrol in out of his pockets. He waited. A few minutes later the red gloing eyes appeared. The Hello Man had the Anti Blood Knife in his hand. He went to Jana's room and stabbed her. The priest saw it happen. Then he screamed loud and clearly, “So we meet again DEMON!”. The Hello Man looked through the widow and saw the priest. The Hello Man got angry so he jumped through the window at the priest's derection. The priest opened his coke bottle filled with petrol and threw it on him, then he threw the holy water on him. The holy water burned him badly. The priest told the army to begin shooting at the mansion and so they did. Boom went the bombs off. The priest started to read from the bible while the mansion was on fire. Then there came a scary creepy horrifying scream from The Hello Man's mouth. Just when the The Hello Man wanted to ran to the priest, the priest closed his bible and took a tiny metal cross and showed it to him while yelling “The one and only God, please show this demon the the true path to the gates between Hell and the Underworld, Amen!”. Then the priest took a gun out of his pocket and shot The Hello Man right in his forehead. The Hello Man fell dead on the floor. The priest and 3 people who worked at the army lifted him and threw him back in the mansion. The mansion exploded! The people and the tanks went flying in the sky and fell back on the floor again. The priest stood up and said to himself, “Rest in Hell Demon!” The firemen arrived to put out the fire, but the priest stopped them and said, “No don't take out the fire, let it burn!”. So the mansion was gone, Maria's life changed completely, the priest went on with his life and the legend of The Hello Man became a Myth, but the Anti Blood Knife was nowhere to be found.

#TheHelloManUniverse #Anime #Horror

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