

The Tiger with no voice.

There was once a Tiger with no voice. He was strong, he was fast, he was smart and he was kind. He was friends with a Wolf with three eyes and a snake with wings. The snake was smart, she was loving, she was quick of wit and understanding. The Wolf was strong, he was fast, he was smart and he was loyal. One day the Snake ate a bird. Landing in a meadow where the Wolf and his pack sleep. But there were no where to be found. The snake search high and low. But her friends where no where to be found. Then a weasel ambushes her and she yells. "help help! Someone please help me!" A snow white Tiger then eats the weasel in one bite. Saving the snake. "Oh thank you Tiger! I was almost a goner!" Said the snake. The tiger snorts and licks his paw. "I was looking for Wolf and his pack. Do you know where they could be?" Said the snake. Tiger nods his head no. "Oh Wolf! Oh Wolf! Where are you?" Said the snake. A wolf howls nearby. "That's not my Wolf!" Said the snake. Hounds without eyes leap from the woods "WE HUNGER!" Said the hounds. The tiger snorts at the hounds. The hounds circle around the snake and tiger snapping at them. One of the hounds ties to eat the snake. The tiger swipes his mighty paw killing the hound. Then one of the hounds jumps on the tiger. Then another one. And another one. Until they are a ball of fur and blood. frantically the snake tries to pull them off of him but to no avail. so she screams at the top of her lungs. "Someone anyone help us!" Then a howl and another and another. Excited
the snake says. "Oh my wolf my wolf they come save us!" Running as fast as they can Wolf and his pack. There footsteps sounding like thunder. And with a booming voice the three-eyed wolf says. "Run little snake! We will handle this!" Sad the snake with wings says. "But I can't leave you and tiger by themselves I can help! let me!" Wolf looks at one of his pack and they run towards snake and scoop her up. Snake screaming. "No! Let me go! I can help! As the sounds of fighting subside and Snake's heart pounds. she is left in silence far from the scene not knowing whether her beautiful tiger or her loyal wolf is safe.