

Be the change dont let the pain stain.
If only she could come to peace with her mind and not think of all the damage and stop pretending she didnt have feelings that were eating her alive from the inside.
Crying crossed her mind, but she questioned why and told herself a lie when she said "she'll be alright" as she censored the feeling and stressed the next thing she knew best to numb the pain instead.
She questioned her aggression and every lesson learned she took another wrong turn as her wounds got deeper and her consciences began to leave her as misconception began to guide her into a life where it was rare to come out alive.
"She'll be alright" became a question to "will she be alright" to people on the outside as she began to unravel down a dark path and more then a few would notice that she was more then broken. Her pain led her to insane of a deadly game where trauma would control her and soon if she didnt refrain all she would be is a memory.

The last step she took on her dark path was the day she was blessed in disguise that made her open her eyes instead of lose her life she put up a fight and finally shined light on all her pain.
Her tears were a rainstorm waiting to pour and after she began to see the rainbow that brought back color to her life. Her trauma was haunting, but she wasnt stopping at sobriety and her life got bright especially after love came into her life and she done right and counted her blessings. Her ambition and strength overwhelmed the pain to rest and mourn for a better person to be born!!!!
© Lisa Aragon