

It. has always been like this since I was born .
At a tender age he never seems to have cared for me and I think everyone .
Put it here! Go and sleep! move away from her before I slap you!!!!. You are the black sheep among all my children!.😡 I regret having you by my side!.
This way all the comments or should I say the only sweet words my dad ever said to me 😞
Before I will cry and weep waiting for the consolation from my sweet mum whose words will cheer me up and make ne feel I am part of a great family.
When I grew up the anguish manner toward me never changed.
This time round I have no mum to weep to cause I am now a big girl. I won't go around weeping as a five years old. But deep inside ; I was frustrated and angered and weep small cry and dry my eyes . The days are my witness that my Dad never loved me .
It was a Sunday on the 21st of June, 2020.The world marked fathers day celebration. The social media was floated with pictures of daddies of my friends . Some people drew more closer to their dad's in warm embrace while I could not even get closer to my Dad left alone to embrace him.

some people took pictures of their dads while he smiled with the eyes showing affections. But my Dad !!!!!hell nooooo!!!!Run!!!
Run Away As Fast As You Can
Don't dare come ask for a picture u will not only be disappointed but also he will show you the place you belong "his cheap surbordinate"🙍

Fathers day? oooopps I don't have a picture of my dad for history left alone one to fraunt him. _I said.🙈
You can't be serious girlfriend. Noooo don't tell me you have quarrels with your dad ._ Said Nina my roommate .🙄
I am serious about what I said . please can we change the topic . I even want to sleep_I said.

flat on the bed was I . Observing the whole events of Fathers day in my head . Nina complained that I call my Dad and wish him before it was too late . I strongly resisted because My dad is not my friend to play with lest chat with like a common mate of mine. Daddy was my God .

Clingggg Clinngg Clinngg☎
My phone rung rung rung. I could hear it in my dreams but I was too lazy to pick up . Nina was out of the room too so could not have picked the call for me.

The next day was a Monday . I barely have anywhere to go on a Friday so I continued sleeping .And I had no reason checking who called yesterday countlessly . There is no need since nobody usually calls me. Is me and I alone .Nobody else.🔮
Or perphaps is maybe i hate calls nobody actually do call for reasons that i hardly pick their calls.My Friends always complain about this behaviour .
Suddenly we heard a knock on the door. Bammm Bammm Bammm🛎🚨
It was a courier man delivering something in a package🎁 .
ElllllllAAa 🎁
You have some deliveries you have to come pick up yourself since the delivery guy won't make me take it . I could hear Nina's voice from outside .
Reluctantly, I stood up. So furious at the delivery man disturbing my precious sleep.Since what ever package was to be given was not too important compared to my sleep👿
I came out , signed and snatched my package from the hands of the young sleep monster. He winced and left . Where he passed is the least I cared about now 👾

For the first time we thought it was a package of food with the large mouths of ours we were really happy and dancing around..

In a hurry I opened and it was a letter from my Dad and it reads;

A Letter From Dad to ELLA🍭

😡You refused to wish me a Happy Fathers Day!!!
I called you countlessly and you intentionally rejected my calls also☎
🙅Dont worry , You are soon gonna be a parent and your kids won't wish you well
I don't tolerate nonsense 😡
My relationship with you is dense tense
✋But don't take it as an offence
My emotions are for a while
By far I think I don't really care
But you rejecting me isn't fair
My screaming causes disdain
The kids will refrain
My sweet wife will complain
But what can I do?
This is the real me.
You observe and you will know I am concern
Is not that I am obsessed
Been Too romantic is not my definition🤒
Strictly teaching is my devotion
I only give my orders 👮
I dont expect you to border !
Sometimes I fear my future generation won't adhere
And my kids won't find a role model in me!😟
While I sit here to make them recover,
My dreams will shutter.💣🌋
Then only will I call myself a failurer🙈
Let me introduce you to the world🌏
The harsh🏖 weather is a sucker,
It drains you into the gutter,🗾
I will teach you right
Let me make you a sufferer,🎭
So that when you hover ,
to become a gatherer,
I can brag of been your rude teacher,
After you appreciate life.
I won't impress you
That will make me look blue👴
🚨Disinfect your mentality that I am wickedly weird ,
I want my efforts to be cheered.
As I count my days and gear,
My life will be over soon!!🛎
But before that day comes,
Dont be rebellious just hear;👂

I am strong 💪
I won't fall
Perseverance and devotion is my toil👣
My muscles are now your fooder
My strict nature spread fast as carter🚛
But I Am Still Your Father.💚

.......Signed. Daddy Afrane🌙

Attached to the letter was a new expensive leather purse👛 I was admiring in our bedroom while watching Television. I was complaining to my sister that I wanted that watch so he could have heard us and later bought it for me on fathers day.
A very precious day I ignored my Dad and did not wish him well left alone to buy him any Fathers Day Present .🙈

after reading , I rushed to the bathroom, wash down and came back and dress up in a flash.
Within 40minutes I was in the house searching for my Sweet,Caring,Affectionate Dad😍
I have been wrong all this while that he hated me
I am very much ashamed of rejecting him and his love since I was born.
I have regretted my disobedience toward my Dad.

I am crushed 🙆
God please forgive me 🙏
God please melt my Dads heart💟to forgive me .🙇

To my disappointment, 🙆
nobody was home
I met a young neighbor who told me my parents have travelled outside the country and won't be back until next year.
I was nervous , Anxious and sad at the same time . For once I felt I needed my Parents especially my Dad by my side more than ever .
I always wanted freedom from my Dads scorn and harsh behavior toward me . but after reading the letter I now know why he acts the way he does
Not because he hates me_but is all for my future good.
I started 😢weeping and moarning . I would not eat anything . I sat on the bed inside waiting for my parents Especially MY DAD💖to come back home.



Dufiewrites 🇬🇭