

The Ventriloquist Act 18
When midnight came, everyone was fast asleep trying to forget about the ventriloquist dummy. They had every single light turned off in the house. Around 1:00am that was when the house was pure silent and the floor boards started to creak. When it did, Mr. Hanks was the first one who heard it because of him sleeping in the downstairs level. "Time for action."
He stood up, and strolled upstairs to Jasmine and her mother's room.
He went into her mother's room first, and got close to her bed, and whispered in her ears. "I heard something downstairs."
"You did?" Jasmine's mother whispers back, sitting up.
"The time is now to kill it," he instructed.
"Okay, let's wake up Jasmine," she said, hopping out of bed. When they got to Jasmine's room, her mother whispered. "Jasmine? Jasmine?"
Jasmine wakes up stretching. "That sleep was sho feeling good."
"It's time for action Jasmine, I heard that thing downstairs."
"Really?" She asked, leaping out of her bed.
They all walked down the stairs. All the lights was still off. They started to hear something in the kitchen area. "You know what? let's sit out in the living room because he knows we are on to him. So let's pretend it doesn't know we are here.
They all sat in the dark and slightly fell asleep. But when they all fell into a deep sleep, they all heard a walking sound coming near the living room. It did not say anything. Mr. Hanks was awakened by the sound while Jasmine and her mother was in their deep sleep mode. Mr. Hanks got up from the couch still in the dark. He could not see anything, but he could only hear the walking footsteps. He went by what he heard, and he heard the thing walk up the steps. Than, Mr. Hanks ambled a up, and it heard him, and growled. Mr. Hanks was waiting for it to attack him, and when he did he felt it jumped on him. Mr. Hanks held it tight, and blocked his face with his arms so the thing will not bite him. It bit him on his shoulders. "OUUUUUUUUCH, YOU BASTAAARD."
When he yelled, Jasmine and her mother jumped up frightened.
"WHAT JUST HAPPEN? MR. HANKS?" Jasmine's mother asked.
Mr. Hanks could not really say anything just yet. He was still holding onto the dummy, and ran as fast as he could towards the kitchen and flicked on the lights. He swiftly turned on the stove and rotated all of the nobs on it. He than slammed the dummy onto it. The dummy knew what he was trying to do, and it would not let him. Mr. Hanks tried to hold a tight grip on the dummy, pushing the head into the stove fire. The dummy's head got burned, and it screamed and bit Mr. Hanks fingered. "OUUUUUUUUUWE, YOU MUTHER FUK." The dummy ran under the table, and Mr. Hanks chased after it. It was still hard for him to catch it. He noticed a broom standing by the back porch door. He hurried and got it and hit the dummy with it, that was trying to squeezed itself behind the medium sized can counter. Mr. Hanks pushed the can counter to the side, and finally caught the thing. He choked it, and darted towards the stove and burned it's body. He held on tight to it so it would not get away again, and it did not. Mr. Hanks has finally won the battle. Mr. Hanks burned it's whole body, and he decided to grab a butcher knife in the drawer on the right side of the stove, and cut the dummy's head off. He began to cut off the rest of it's body.
"Mr. Hanks did you?..." Jasmine walked in and noticed the chopped up parts of the burnt dummy. "Oh my God, you did it. He is cooked good. You took down the dummy."
Jasmine's mother came in after her. "Oh Lord, thank you Jesus. Now please get that nasty thing outtta my house and sight. Here, I got some garbage bags you can put it in," opening the drawer.
"Since it's dead, now you can take that thing to the alley or throw it in the lake in Indiana," Jasmine suggested.
"No. He could come back anytime. Someone could find him near you and put it back together again," he said.
"I don't think a black person would do that Mr. Hanks," Jasmine said.
"Jasmine, anyone could do it. Not just my people. You don't know what is going through the minds of people," he informed.
"That's true," she said.
"Now, I am going to take it's parts to the man I saw yesterday at The Whump Mucket place. He would know what to do with it," he informed.
"It's after midnight Mr. Hanks," her mother said.
"I'll wait til six, and I'm out of here," he said, grabbing the garbage bag on top of the counter. He placed it's parts inside the bag, and tied it up tightly. "I'll let you know what he does to it."
"Okay,"Jasmine agreed.
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