

Polar company could be seen at far_ a ten minute walk from where Natalia was. On her hand, a curriculum vitae and academic details were enveloped. This was the third day of her visit to this company where the first time she had come to apply for a post as advertised in the daily Nation, the second been her interview. She had been looking for a job tirelessly and as she was almost throwing in the towel, an advert popped and she was in for it. She was ready to give what it takes to maintain her work that is if she gets the job.
"Welcome miss, this is Polar Company," said a smiling receptionist.
"Thank you, I would like to see Mr... em..the director please," said Natalia as the receptionist exited, it did not take long as she returned.
"Mr. Rodge... The boss, will see you," she said and there she headed for the elevator

In the elevator, Natalia wondered what news she would get from the director. Did she qualify for the job? She did the interview to her level best for how could she afford to fail? At the time she was auditioned, she was a bit nervous but she gathered courage. She was sure that she did a good job but still fear creaped in her like persistent hangover.

The door flang open and there she came face to face with three faces that shock was all written on her innocent young face but she forged a smile.

"Good morning Miss Newton?" The old aged man greeted.
"A good morning to you Mr. Rodge," she answered politely.
"Well, I am pleased to introduce to you my darling sons Mr. Raj Rodges and Mr. Bunny Rodges to you. You have secured yourself a job in this company as our royal agent in advertisement.." said Mr. Rodge.
" Thank you so much Mr. Rodge. I look forward to working my level best and ... and ... it's a pleasure to meet the Rodges
"Well, these two are my partners and I now hand over authority to them. They are your employers your bosses."
Staring at the young men,"thank you," that was all she could manage to say.

"Bunny, show Miss Newton her office," they left the well furnished office for another new beautiful office.
"Welcome miss, this will be your office."
"Thank you," she replied
"Mr. Rodge," he added
"Thank you Mr. Rodge," she corrected herself.
"Good," he said as she just stared at him before making herself comfortable. She loved her new office thanks to senior Rodge.
"I am the overall director now, you work under me and just follow rules without supervision and we will be good," he said to her as she just nodded in response.
"Yes sir," he added
"Yes sir," she said politely
"Good," said him.

The entire room was quiet as each concentrated on their thoughts. Natalia thought of the post she had been given. The royal agent meant alot to her. She was to carry out plenty of advertisements for the Polar company. She did not even want to think of her employers especially Mr. Bunny Rodges- he seemed a proud and arrogant boss.

"Hello, I hope you are comfortable in your new office miss," Mr. Raj brought her back to her senses.
"Oh yes and thank you Mr..," she stammered.
"It's okay miss, familiarize yourself with everything," he said
"I will sir," she said politely and he turned to Mr. Bunny.
"Hey, we got some work to do. See you in my office Bunny,"
" Well, let's go," they walked out of her office.

Oops! She could now breath and have her kind settled. In the table was a file which needed her immediate attention. She went through the file to atleast be updated. Polar company was not a joke and it needed ones full determination. It was an international company dealing with advertisement and designs. Sh me knew that she was required to give more because she had an integral part. She was more than just determined to show them how capable she was in bringing a positive change to the company.


Natalia arrived in her office earlier than everybody. She was in a good mood and looked forward to having a successful day ahead. She was to attend a meeting later in the afternoon and had to ensure that everything was well attended and that made her arrive early only to realize that she had left her office keys. Shit! What a mess? How could she? What was she thinking? She had no spare keys and none of the directors had arrived. She was left with no choice but to go back to avoid trouble.
"Hello, good morning Miss, is anything the matter?" Greeted Salma. Salma was next to her in position and by then royal agent.
"Good morning Salma, my keys, I left... I forgot them," said she as rushed out.
"Forgot keys? Who earth does that? I hope Mr. Bunny Rodges doesn't get wind of this. He's just terrible, rude and..." Salma was cut short.
"That should not worry you. She is barely two months here and has started drama..." Vivian blurted.
"Hey! What drama? Forgetting keys and you call that drama? Just revisit your dictionary and avoid causing trouble," Salma defended.

Vivian was Salman's partner and wanted to always outshine her and be noticed. She was also the spy of the Polar Company. She was a proud lady who had jealous running in her veins and mockery painted on her tired long face. No one could stand her presence for she brought trouble in every corner and edge. She had always tried to draw the attention of Mr. Bunny in vain but she believed in the saying, a vulture is always a patient bird.

Natalia returned to the office thirty minutes later and was immediately summoned. She obediently left for Mr. Bunny's office. He stood facing the window and she cleared her throat to announce her presence but still that changed nothing.

"Good morning sir," she greeted.
"Why are you late for work? The question caught her unaware and she did not find the answer to the question.
"That is not how one should respond to greetings especially in the morning sir,' she innocently told him.
"Are you here to teach me how to work?" He rudely asked.
"I am sorry sir," she pleaded
"Why did you report late?"
"I arrived very early this morning only to realize that I left my office keys... So I went back."
There was akward silence as she wondered what awaited her when he suddenly turned and faced her that she took a step backwards.

"Are you always this careless?" He asked
"What I know is that I am not careless," she added
"But you are nothing but just a careless woman. It is barely two months and..."
"With all due respect sir, I am not going to take that from you. I just forgot my keys and it was not intentional. I don't know why this is going far," she cried and soon Mr. Raj entered that she sighed with relief. What was wrong with Mr. Bunny? She could not understand him.

"Miss Newton, I am told that you arrived late, why is that so?" Mr. Raj asked
"Yes sir, I am sorry. I arrived early only to realize that I have forgotten my keys."
"So you went back?" He asked
"Yes sir, I had to."came her reply
"Next time be careful. Don't forget about the afternoon meeting."
"Thank you sir," she said leaving the office.

'she seems a hard-working lady,' Raj said.
"Not only that," Bunny said
'But also...,' Raj asked
"Attractive, beautiful, captivating," Bunny said
(Laughing) 'that's why you cannot keep off your...' Raj told him
(Laughing) 'oh no, it is strictly business brother,' Bunny said.


"Natalia, Mr. Raj says that you need to fasten up before it gets late. He's waiting," Salma said
"Okay, make sure everything is in order and also attend to every work if possible. See you when I come," Natalia told her as she left for the Mercedes 'C' class car. She thought she would be given a driver but to her surprise, she met Mr. Raj.
"Suprised to see me huh?" He asked
"Well, I admit that," she answered.
"But why?"
"Well, I thought that I would be given a driver to..." She said
"Okay, but I am also supposed to be in the meeting so the driver can rest," he said as he started the engine but she had nothing to say so she kept quiet. This was her boss and talking too much was not necessary. Again, she accorded him the respect he deserved. He was a boss yes, but not as rude as his brother Bunny, not arrogant but too friendly to judge.

"Are you always this quiet," he broke the silence that she lacked a reasonable answer
"Am I," she asked foolishly
"Oh yes, you've not said anything since."
She was quiet not because she lacked words but wondered about the topic of discussion with her boss.
"I just don't have anything to say to you," she said as silence prevailed and on turning her face they met face to face and they all avoided each other's eyes.
"Do you fear me?" He asked
"Well, I..I... I Respect you so much Mr. Raj," she replied and again kept quiet for quit some time when he broke the silence.
"I wish I could ask you a question,"
"Yes do so please,"
"I was going through your curriculum vitae and I understand that you are twenty four,"
"True," she replied
"Twenty four, a fine number but what I do not understand is your being single. Sorry to ask, why is that so?"
'What I know is that I am single but I do not know why, " she replied as she smiled, a state which made him smile too.
"That's funny, maybe you have decided so or... Anyway, it's okay. I was just curious."
"Curiosity can't be held at check," she said and they all laughed their ribs out.
"I find you more friendly, social and..." She said and suddenly kept quiet as if she had just revealed a secret.
"Am I,"
"I am sorry sir, it is just a slip of the tongue. I was thinking aloud," she begged.
"Oh no, come on! You don't have to be sorry, infact I appreciate that. Thanks Nats," he said.
"Mmh," she said
"Sorry, I meant Natalia," he said and eyed her as she smiled. She had a captivating smile which answered questions he had never thought of asking. He soft sweet voice rendered him speechless. Natalia was doubtless super beautiful that he had no option than recognizing and admitting that she was a true epitome of beauty. What was her perception in life? What was she thinking about? Why was she single? He had so many unanswered questions which troubled his mind.

"Tell me about yourself Natalia,"he said
"Well, I am Natalia Newton the only child of the late Newton Ham. I am not only an actress but also a model and...and a vixen. I am twenty four..." She went dumb and Raj wondered why. He still did not hear what he wanted to get from her. Maybe she was afraid of him and probably wondered what to say to him. Maybe he should let everything be. Packing the car outside a big building he turned to her.
"Here we are Nats... Natalia."

Name : June Mwangangi
Pen name : Zari

© Zari


Name : June Mwangangi
Pen name:Zari

The day was cool and Natalia was through with her office work that she decided to take some rest. She was having a little headache and a rest would do her good. She still felt a bit tired because she arrived home late - she had had a busy day and thank God, she managed to reach her office in time and attend to the ever piling files. Mr. Bunny passed through her office with a file on his hand only to find her sleeping. Annoyance all displayed over his face, he walked back to his office where Vivian entered.

"Good morning Mr. Rodge," she greeted
"Yes good morning. What can I do for you?"
"I am through with my work and I was wondering if there is anything I can do for you before I leave," she said
"Where are you going?" He asked
"Sir, have you forgotten that you sent me to get some merchandise and get some orders..." Vivian said
"Oh! I almost forgot. It is fine you can go make sure you keep time so as not to miss Mr. Reen,"
"I will do so sir, good day,"
"Call Miss Newton for me on your way out," he added.

Vivian found Natalia sleeping and debated on whether to wake her or not. She wanted to teach her a lesson via the nose. This was not a comfort zone and by that she walked away. They had given her that position leaving her just a partner to Salma and next in line after Natalia. She wanted to be the royal agent but Mr. Rodge insisted they get a new face to break the monotony and also to bring a big different change.

"Girlfriend, what time are you sleeping?" Salma broke the silence awakening her.
"Oh God! Salma dear, don't tell me that I have been sleeping for this long," she asked
"But it is the truth girlfriend,"
"Oh! This headache, I am tired Salma and I thought a rest would do me good,"
"Well, straighten yourself and do some stretching. Mr. Bunny wants you."

She entered the office only to find the two bosses chatting and on Seeing her, Mr. Raj walked out without even a good morning- something uncommon of him.
"Hello sir," she greeted
"How long does it take you to reach this office?" He started
"I have just responded immediately I got your message,"
" So, is this the time you are showing up you lazy bone?" He asked as he rose from his his seat. Natalia was confused and unable to fathom his words.
"Sir, I am sorry I don't understand. What are you trying to mean?"
"You think this is a fattening camp right? What gives you the right to sleep as if you own this company?"
"I am sorry sir, I did not do that intentionally. Look, I had alot to do then I had a mild headache and I felt that I needed some rest."
"Now you see, I knew from the start that you were not capable of this job," he said
"I am sorry sir, it won't happen again,' she said politely
"Feel sorry for yourself. I sent for you an hour ago. Why didn't you show up when Vivian informed you?"
"What! I did not see any Vivian I swear,"
"How could you have seen her from your slumberland? I am disappointed in you. Get out of my office before I loose my temper," he said as she walked out downcasted. What was really going on? Was it her fault that she had developed some headache? It was not long when she was summoned in Mr. Raj Rodges office.

"You sent for me sir," she began
"Yes sir,"
"Thank you sir," she said
"Why did you accept sir Leon's invitation yesterday?" He asked as shock consumed her own being.

It was after the meeting when suddenly a man approached them. He was an old buddy of Mr. Raj who was working in the other Polar Company as a manager. He was pleased to see her and offered to buy her a drink.
"My name is Leon, a manager at Polar Company." He said
"And my name is Natalia Newton, royal agent- Polar Company."
"Well, since we all work for the Polar Companies, why don't we go have a drink and maybe share work  experiences?" He asked
"Sure, no problem," she replied.
"Well, I am not going to be with you guys. I have an urgent meeting.see you," Raj said as he drove off.

"Well, I see nothing wrong with that," she said
"Are you this blind,' he asked
"It was past working hours so there is nothing wrong with that?" She told him and he was quiet for a while.
"You seem to be taking advantage of this job," said him
"It was past working hours and my private life too. How is that taking advantage of this job?" She asked as he instead stared at her.
"For chrissake, this is Polar Company with rules and regulations," he reminded her
"So which rule bars one from socializing with people after work?" She asked and there he moved closer to her.
"Watch your mouth miss,"
"God! What is wrong with you people? Why are you making my life miserable in this company? What is really going on?  Nothing I do is right and fine with both of you. Why? Why?" She asked bitterly that Mr. Raj loosened his knot. Holding her hands he told her,
"Calm down Natalia, I don't understand, I have never seen you this bitter. What are you talking of?"
"Working here was the greatest mistake in my life," she said and left his office.
She could not understand why her stay in that company was hectic? What was required of her? Maybe she did not go through the rules and regulations of her work place. She left her room to go and find more about them. She had to go through each and every rule of the company so as peace to rein.