

Cardella Made It
I look out to see a truck
it was driving away
in the early morning hours
I was glad just to wake up
And be standing
Cause for hours before I was
A lady trapped in her situation
In. a truck
And the driver stops the truck
So I think
oh no I am a goner
So you know what that means
Then I hear don't open the doors
This one got skills we. don't know
Just then I hear a car
drive up and the
men stop talking
Then I hear hey and
Then shots fired
Then I hear as if things were hitting
the ground
And then the truck open's
it's the US marshal. service
And they free me
And take me out of
The back of that truck
So now when I see any kind of truck and it's
early in the morning
I be scared
Oh wouldn't you be.
Then the director says cut that's a rap
we are done for today
Then I walk away.