

Matix cannot wait to give her the little black box he safely had tucked into his inside jacket pocket he couldn't wait to see her face to see the keys to her very own black fresh off the assembly line Mercedes-Benz C-Class the car she's been asking for since she was 12 I'm pushing the button to his floor on the elevator. A few seconds later the elevator games and he hopped out but right away Maddox knew something was wrong door he can see that it was slightly ajar and blood drip from the door handle alex never could have prepared himself for the horror he find inside he ran into the front room where he found his wife Amelia blood was everywhere on the walls before the furniture her throat was slit so deep she was nearly decapitated her left eyr was missing along with her right hand down the hall he found Arrow stab wounds all over her body she too had her left eye missing along with her right hand in disbelief and that's when he saw it on the front room wall above the couch dropping to his knees the message Written in Blood it read I can't save everyone I'm not God I'm only human ordering it where are Amelia and arrows eyes and hands immediately he flashed back to one of his first patients when his techniques were still new but performed at hand and eye transplant on a man's daughter her body unfortunately rejected both attempted transplants and he passed away I am has he dial nine-one-one when the police found him at its was attempting CPR on both of them clearly in shock the paramedics had to sedate him to remove him from the crime scene. BANG BANG BANG Matx jolted straight up followrd by scar laughing at his reaction saying "we're here, hurry up room 214" Matix said nothing as he reached for the floor retrieving a bag opening it he grabbed a scalpel and taser. smiling and saying "game over girls" as he stepped out of the SUV, into the night disappearing into the shadows.


Serial killer Matix Ryan was killed today when officers responded to what they believe was burglary in progress, when officers arrived on scene one of them recognized Ryan the homd is rumored belong to one of the two survivors of Ryans murder spree police at this time can neither confirm nor deny this rumor. dr Ryan was shot after failure to comply with orders. Instead he ran at a female officer with the scalpel screaming that l he needed her eyes for Arrow. Raquel whispered "Maria wake up!" Maria could hear the panic in her voice, but before she could ask what's wrong, she heard the door rattle. Raquel quickly covered Maria's mouth silencing her scream, Raquel motioned for Maria to quietly get into the box spring and not come out until she heard Raquel tell her to. While Maria quickly hid, Raquel open nightstand drawer black box inside it we grab the scalpel she quietly hid behind the door. She watched the handle and waited. Then the lock clicked and the door open slowly. Raquel could hear Ryan's humming the sound flashed her back to her cage and how the girls would scream and cry when they heard him humming that hum meant only one thing operation time.


hm hmm hmmhmhmhmmhmhmm. One,two the doctors coming for you

Three, four what part will I need of yours

Seven, eight you and Mommy are gonna look great

Nine, ten can't stop till I have my family back again

Hearing him in that moment Raquel felt her hands steady and her breathing slowed focusing Raquel knew she had the time this perfectly one wrong move, being too fast or too slow and it would be all over for her and Maria. Matix slowly inched his way into the room, his scalpel reflected off the moonlight as he closed the gap between the bed, flipping on the taser and right before he reached the mirror that was give her position away raquel sprang out from the dark, without hesitation she pulled the scalpel across his throat, slitting it from here to ear and whispered 11:12 you're gonna burn in hell. As he fell to the room for Raquel call from Maria come out from hiding they sat on the bed holding each other and crying watching the blood pool around his body when enough time it past and they knew he couldn't be safed Maria called nine-one-one an all too familiar scene met them outside police, spectators, and news crews surrounded them while being escorted to a black SUV. Where a man sat waiting for them. He told them the news would report that everyone was dead, he told them how this was much more than some crazy out for Revenge and to trust no one has he opened the door to exit the SUV. Maria thought to herself I wonder how he got that scar on his face. But thought better of asking as he shut the car door, the SUV began to pull out of the parking lot as Maria and Raquel sat confused and afraid driving into the night Raquel broke the silence as she chuckled, "what" Maria asked looking at her slightly concerned. Raquel smiled at her " we are gonna be fine."

×××Remember fear not the monster who committed the horrific acts, no fear the monsters he created from who survived them."

© LullabiiSkye