

Zombie apocalypse
# Zombie apocalypse
Somewhere in a laboratory
Deep underground
There was a virologist
Well renowned

Testing and combining
Gain of function was his brief
His passion was the science
Of creating a new disease

But one day he found out
That his love was terminally ill
Locked in his lab
He worked on how to heal

Coming up with a potion
To reverse the state of death
When the heartbeat stops
The virus will infest

Mixing combinations
Desperate to work it out
Till finally the lab rats
Woke up and ran about

This virus was experimental
He didn’t tell his boss
Took it home in a test tube
Ready for his loss

His love did surely die
Her time had come up
Ready with his potion
He wished himself good luck

His glowing viral compound
Filled up the syringe
Gently injecting
Into her main veins

He waited by her side
All through the night
Until finally the coroner
Turned out the light

He hung his head in grief
Accepting the result
Her body taken away
In a bag zipped up tight

Left in the morgue
Her body in a fridge
Completely dead and lifeless
Didn’t even twitch

But deep inside her veins
The virus was taking hold
Mankind’s destiny
Was about to unfold

Tearing out the body bag
With hunger like never before
Without physical pain
She breaks down the door

In a brand new sunrise
She basks in the morning sun
Doesn’t remember anything
Or where she’s even from

With only one thing on her mind
The hunger must be obeyed
A passion for human brain
And couldn’t be delayed

She mauls her first victim
A old man and his dog
Up and about early
Resting on a log

Along came a jogger
Frozen at the sight
In a tussle getting bitten
And then runs for his life

The virus went on to infect
Viral load was in the mouth
If you wasn’t eaten alive
Your future was in doubt

Within 24 hours
The bitten would surly die
Only to reawaken
With death on their mind

First it was theirs families
Then the whole town
Crossing over borders
In only a matter of time

Realising what he’d done
The virologist in his lab
Tries to find the antidote
Mixing whatever he can grab

Till finally his time was up
With no where else to hide
Dying in his laboratory
Knowing only zombies can survive

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