

Beyond The Riverbank
I stared at the letters tattooed into my right forearm. I had no memory how I had got it or why I was in a hospital gown or why I was floating at the edge of a muddy, river bank. I had absolutely no memory of who I was... As I stared at the letters, a faint recollection stirred. "E-L-E-A-N-O-R". The name echoed in my mind, but it meant nothing. I tried to remember my face, my family, my life - anything. But my mind was a complete blank.

Panic set in as I scrambled to my feet, surveying my surroundings. The muddy riverbank stretched out before me, with dense woods beyond. I stumbled forward, my hospital gown clinging to my legs.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the trees. A woman with piercing green eyes and long, curly brown hair rushed towards me.

"Ellie!" she exclaimed, embracing me tightly. "Oh, thank God you're awake!"

I pushed her away, confusion and fear etched on my face. "Who are you? Who am I?"

The woman's eyes welled up with tears. "You're Eleanor, my sister. We were in an accident...a car crash. You've been in a coma for weeks."

Memories began to trickle back - fragments of a life I thought I'd lost forever. My sister, Rachel, helped me piece together the puzzle.

As we walked away from the riverbank, hand in hand, I realized that sometimes, the past is hidden for a reason. But with love and support, even the darkest memories can resurface, and we can rediscover ourselves.


© Promise Okon