

Bangtan Meets Yumiko: TWO
Yumiko looked over to jimin to see if it was okay, while the other male just shrugged his shoulders and waved him to come over. with hesitant steps, yumiko got up and sat next to him. "so, what is it that you're working on?" yumiko asked, an awkward tone lingering in his voice when asking the other. "i'm just drawing a picture of a landscape. it might take a while, but to be honest, i'm glad you're here to help. do you think you could add on to it without changing the meaning and tone to it? i just need a little extra detail to make it look real." jimin asked, tilting his head to the side.

yumiko nodded and looked at the picture, smiling softly seeing how beautiful it looked. "you like to draw, don't you?" yumiko asked, just as he picked up a pencil and joined in on the other male drawing. "yeah, and you're doing pretty good. have you ever drawn before?" jimin asked, smiling a little. yumiko nodded with a small sigh. "i used to draw for my mom and older sister. i was pretty good at it, at least that's what i was told. i got a few scholarships to go around the world." the male stated shrugging his shoulders.

"did you accept any of them, yumiko?" jimin, with wide eyes, asked. the questioned male shook his head, indicating a no. "why not? many people would've loved to see your work." jimin said. "what's the point of doing something i love when my family wouldn't be able to see it?" yumiko asked. "huh?" jimin asked back. "my mom and older sister were in a car accident and didn't survive. my dad committed suicide the day after he found out about their deaths while i was in school. after i got the news, i wasn't the same after.

but i got used to being alone- even though i was in a foster home for kids. but then i was adopted and now i'm here." yumiko said taking a breath after his explanation. "oh, i'm so sorry. i didn't mean it like that." jimin said scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment. "no, it's fine. it was a long time ago anyway. now that we are off that topic, how should we color this?" yumiko asked, straightforwardly.

indicating he didn't want to talk about this subject anymore. nodding and looking at the drawing the two had finished with astonished eyes, jimin thought of what colors to use to make it more realistic, to make it eye-popping, jaw-dropping, heart-meltingly beautiful. with colors in his mind, jimin got up and went to grab all the necessary colors they would need. when done with that, the male went to sit back down and showed Yumiko where everything would go. A smile on both males' faces, they got to work. Once halfway done with the picture, the bell rang, and it was time for lunch. A small but playful frown on Jimin's face. "We were so close! ~" Jimin said while holding out the ose in close. Yumiko chuckled before putting his hands in his pocket.

"We can just finish it tomorrow. No, let's go, I'm hungry." Yumiko said walking out the room. Jimin quickly got his stuff together and ran after the other male that was already far away. "Yah, Yugioh wait up!" Jimin yelled. Yumiko slowed down until stopping and turning towards the male who yelled out his name. Once Jimin finally got there, Yumiko slapped him in the back of his head frowning. "Ow! What was that for?" Jimin said holding the part that was stinging from the slap. "You pronounced my name wrong babo! It's Yumiko, not Yugioh." Yumiko said huffing, making his cheeks puff out, thus making him look younger than he already did. "But you didn't have to hit me that hard.

You didn't even have to hit me at all!" The shorter male said throwing his hands in the air. Yumiko just chuckled and continued walking down the crowded hallway. "So, do you want to sit with me and my friends?" Jimin asked stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Aniyo, I'll sit alone," Yumiko said waving the other male off. "Oh, come on! It'll be fun. Plus, you could use some friends. You look like a loner." Jimin said walking into the cafeteria, with Yumiko following behind.

"I said no. I'd rather look like a loner than have other people around me." Yumiko said firmly. Jimin only nodded and walked to his group of friends while Yumiko walked to a table that was in the far back. "Why isn't Yumiko sitting with us?" Hoseok asked with a mouth full of food. "Swallow first nasty. He said he wanted to be alone." Jimin answered shrugging. The everyone at the table nodded understanding, but a curious look still lingered on their faces.

"Oh, Yumiko and I spoke. He said he knows this dance studio where we could practice." Taehyung said smiling. "Why? We could go our h-" Hoseok quickly cut himself off from spilling the secret. "Our what? What are you talking about Hoseok Hyung?" Jungkook asked. "Yeah, what's going on?" Seokjin asked squinting his eyes. "Nothing!" Hoseok accidentally yelled out and rushed off.

He spotted Yumiko and grabbed him, pulling him to a corner in an empty hallway. Meanwhile, the other members were confused. "What's up with Hoseok Hyung?" Jungkook asked. "I think Yoongi's about to figure that out," Seokjin said pointing towards Yoongi who was walking out the cafeteria.