

Into The Tent (L.T.- chapter 2)
"Really, again Aron?" Roby said.
Aron: "please Roby I promise you this time we will go to the tent, watch the show, enjoy it and will return to home.Happy ending."
Aron smiled
Roby: "You say the same thing all the time."
Aron:"Look Roby, you just imagine, what if you are capable of doing whatever you want. Just by using some spells and a stick or even with free hand. The ultimate power in the universe. The real magic."
Roby was singing a song to show his lack of interest.
Roby:"Finished? Aron How many times I told you there is no real magic. Even the word magic is used to indicate something not real. This is the only reason everybody in the school staring and yelling at you."
Aron seem too sad.
"You know when I was a kid my dad told me there is real magic and only I can find it. He again told me dont care what others say. people keep saying. search for it and you will find it once. Thats why I am..."
Roby:"Ok, its ok Aron. I am sorry. we can go for it tomorrow."
Aron:"Really. Oh, thank you dear."
Aron cheered up and no longer seem sad.
Roby:"So, you were acting right?"
Aron:"why is it matters.See you bud."
The bus was reached Aron's home.
Roby smiled and said.
"huh! cheater."

Tomorrow Aron was got up early.
"Morning mom."
"Ow, some body got up early today."
Aron: "Mom."
Mom: " oh, I was just kidding sweety. Here is your breakfast, lunch and... water bottle."
Aron:"Water bottle?"
"Yes dear. Today I prepared some special drink for you. Its delicious."
She was in a hurry and went out quickly. During that time she said.
"Hey aron, dont forget to share the drink with Roby ok."

Aron got up in the bus and sat near Roby.
Roby:"Hey are you sure about this?"
Aron:"Yeah, Why not?"
Roby:" Ok, but this time dont leave me behind. You must help me too escape from there."
Aron:"well Roby, it is really hard to escape from such a mess solely. so I cant promise you a rescue. But, even then I will try my best."
Robies face went dark and mesmerising something. Aron was smiling by looking through the window to aovid being noticed by Roby.

They reached the school and went to the class. Every period before lunch time was ran away. During the first hour after lunch break Aron stand up and said.

"Mam Roby is sick."
Roby was wondered and shocked a little bit, but recovered fast. He started to act wierd. Theacher came near to him and thought something really wrong was happening to him. She said to Aron.

"Aron, you take him to the hospital and inform his parents. I will inform to the proffessor."

Aron:"Ok mam."
Aron asked to Roby.
"What the hell was you doing in the class room?"
Roby:" Come on man I was just pretenting to be sick."
Aron:"Like that? What kind of sickness do you mean?"
Both of them were gasping.
Roby:"Now, tell me what is the most important thing for you? My sickness or that magic show?"

Roby asked that by pointing to the tent.By talking and walking they were reached near the tent.

Aron:"If it is real, your sickness. But it is not. So, the magic show."

Roby:"Yeah, I know that friend. Thats why Iam here even if we are going to make big trouble inside."

They walked into the tent.

To be continued...