

Found The Truth Of Azmir 😓PaRt --4
Listening my shouting, My parents came to see my room. They asked "what happened?"
I said," oh! nothing, I am tried."
My mom said,"Your uncle shams wanted to talk with you.
You should call him in mobile phone."
I was happy and immediately called him.
shams received the call.
shames:Are you okay?
I told "Yes. when will you come?"
Shams told " Actually I think Now, I will stay in my college hostel, It will good for my study. So sanaiya I just want to tell you that I feel very ashamed for your proposal. Because, I love someone else. Her name is kuhelika. she studies with me in my college. Please, you should forget everything what you told me that day. "
I was shocked. I said nothing.I just cut the phone. My mom asked "what happen?"
I just gave a fake smile and told her that shams told me to give attention on my board exam.
When I went to my room,I started to cry and cry. My heart was like broken mirror.
At night, I was so upset and so I could not read my book properly. My Father came to me and asked "my child, Are you upset?"
No, Father.
Father said, " You are my only child. I have many hope for you. I Hope, You will be a doctor.
please give attention on your broad exam. I just want to see you in completing my dream.I also wanted to be a doctor but I was falling in love with a girl who rejected me very badly. I was so hurted that I avoided my study and lead like a failure life. I understood later that I was so fool and so I destroyed my dream."
I said nothing and just gave a fake smile and said "In sha Allah, I will be a doctor."
My dad left my room.
I tried to understand myself that I should forget everything and gave only attention on my study.
About 1month 12 days later....

My exam was finished. I gave my best of my exam.
About 3month,The result was published. Surprisingly, I topped the board. I was so happy that I couldn't describe in just some word.
Then I got a chance top college of my city.
MY school teacher felt very proud of my result.Then They decided to give me a award and honorary.So they arranged a celebrated party for me.On this party, The chief guest was Mr DD.
When I saw him and recalled everything about the book psycho Azmir.
That Day, A surprise thing was happened.Mr DD personally want to talk with me separately.
At frist , He congratulated me.
Then He told"Little girl, I can see in your eyes that You recognized me. But Don't worry.I will not do any harm with you If you help me."
I was surprised and said,"That means....auto..driver was You?"
He gave a evil smile and said "Ah my child, Let's forget. You are very intelligent. Actually I followed you. If You ready to help me, I will keep you and your family safe one."
I avoided and about to run But he hold my hand and said"I will destroy everything. Your whole school,their students and teacher even if... your family are in my control. If You tell anyone about me,I destroyed them one by one."
I cried and said, "okay, I will tell nothing anyone. But I will not help you"
He smiled and said,"AS your wish...But Your uncle shams,Do you know what he is?"
I was surprised and said, "what? How do you know him. Don't dare to harm him. I told you that I will tell nothing anyone."
He again gave weird smile....Said, "No, Never..How can I harm him.....He is our leader....Actually He is the leader of Our Group 'Azmir'.

Listening this, I felt like a heavy stone is in my weak heart. I was so surprised that I could not able to speak.
Mr DD, Smiled and said, "TRUE.....Azmir is not a person it was a group name and all of the member lead a different life in different city And Our leader name is sha..m.."
I just stopped him and said, Lie big lie....I don't believe it.....I just cannot.....
At that moment our headmaster of school came and said, "The function will start now...so Mr DD please do honor of this girl to give medal and crest and prize money....."
After finishing the prize ceremony...Mr DD just gave me a letter inside the prize money...
He wrote..."HELP OR DIE"

To be continued 💚