

Pandemic : a positive side.

"Happiness is not a destination,it is a way of life."
-vaishnavi Anand

We all are connected to each other with a network wether it is online or outside. But after 2019 dad is up and declared in the world. since 2 years, there facing this pandemic. In the first year when it was novel every person was scared from this pandemic.

Amid pandemic people were very scared and very sad. They were feeling very sorrowness and sadness and having fear of die. One of the best line of a great Greek philosopher, "this human body is a temporary thing. The person who has taken but has to die". So why should we spoil our moments by feeling sad and sorrow why should we waste our whole life for just a bad day. Life has an unbreakable rule that life will never stop at a point, so we should always move on.

Finding peace and happiness Amid pandemic is only possible by thinking, living, and staying positive. Because positivity makes our mind feel peace and relax as there is no pressure of other things. like if any person have a very tight and busy schedule, is having a lot of time now a days due to lockdown. He/she can do anything what they want to do through the online medium. Many of peoples has continued there old passion. Always remember that, every thing has both type of angle, positive and negative. It depends on us wether we see it as positively or negatively. This pandemic is very negative for everyone, but it has a positive side also, during lockdown people can continue there old passion, spend there time with family and other as they want to do.

Steps of staying happy :-

1- relax your mind,
2- Have positive thought,
3- Have a cute smile.

© vaishnavi Anand