

Unlimited Love
Happy days of February , weekdays with friends , weekends with family, life seemed beautiful . I was a girl of 18 when I happened to have admirations and infactuations. When I admire someone I never thought I would do that for a long time but when it is time to get over it , it seemed hard but I could because I had my best friends advising me that, "this isn't any kind of crush or love or anything but just an infactuation".
I believed them blindly but I had already delivered few cringy sentences connecting me with them . I soon realised how foolish I was and was regretting about it.
Few weeks passed like few seconds and I was stopped by a familiar person who really wanted to talk to me . I paused , said that I was willing to listen to him . About home town , about family , about friends , about food , about life .... he jumped from topic to topic making me wonder what could be the reason why he had to know all of this and why he had walked me till the breezy balcony of the building . While I stood wondering about everything that I could he paused and was trying to lock his eyes with the very dreamy me standing in front of him. Everything like sounds of dogs barking , leaves falling on the ground , wind escaping beneath the doors , birds singing ,happy , restless teenagers shouting and having fun ....I heard all of it loudlier than before but what echoed were the words of this very unique guy standing right in front of me ,still not taking his eyes away . I heard him say " I really love you " many times with using different words . I had no idea how I must react to it . I was still flabbergast.
I understood he was really a crazy one when he told me" you may take your time cause I'm ready to wait" and ended the sentence by saying "give me your reply as soon as possible. ".. I was laughing inside with all my heart and I blushed a little as he left .
For the whole of the day and the next few I had nothing else but this in my mind. I spoke to my friends about it and I was only geared up by them to go on and accept him . I realised how important a date is and decided to go for it . At the canteen and corridor , the lawn and the library , I found him everywhere . With cups of coffee , long talks sitting on the benches , the library meetings , the walk and the talk went on and there was a month that got over by now .
Couldn't believe how close we became in a month . There was nothing that I needed to think off anymore . A "Yes" is what he expected when he proposed me but by now he would have forgotten even that . And so when I went up to his favorite spot and confessed it he understood nothing at all and asked me what I intended to to say . I had to explain to him that I have already fallen for him . He blinked his eyes , clasped his hands , took a deep breath and said nothing and instead smiled and told me "he was the happiest "at that moment ..
Gone were the days when we used to feel shy to ask questions , the days when we stammered to say 'i love you', the days when we fought on who would pay the bill , the days when we stick to questions which seemed descent and ordinary. Soon we became best of friends , a beautiful duo , secret keepers , and ,the two who goes to the canteen daily for a cup of coffee. We remained as wierd we are , spoke lots , fought lots , messaged , called , cared and comforted and we realised whatever happens we wouldn't fall out of love .
Hours , days , months passed and when we looked back at the day when we were just two people who crossed past almost everytime we walked through corridor - now this was dated one year back . Wondered how time flies . And wished every other second that we be together forever.
There came the days when we were separated by distance and still things went fine except for the silly fights we had . No calls , no video calls , no walks , no songs , the only way we could connect were through messages . Distance was becoming a difficult thing to cope up with but we believed in the it's ok policy and we tried to be happy .
For somebody who hates typing long messages , cringy chats , time spent on social media I was an exact opposite. He wished to care me like he did when we're together , but then he would have to let go of his hatreds and that seems difficult. We tried many ways to spend time with each other . Some days were happy and complete , but some others were incomplete and uncomfortable . We had problems but time passed and we stopped minding it . Having loved so much we literally did not realize the moment when we started falling out of it gradually. The attention craving , the insecure and uncomfortable part of me started showing its true colors and I understood I was losing the control over myself. I went in for options that would hurt him deeply . The hasty decisions I took because of the fights we had made me lose , a lot more than even things and people I didn't know were mine . Days when I craved for his attention was out of love , but now the way I crave to have him back in my life seems so heartbreaking. I realized how I was in love , what kind off a bad love I had been inspite of my love and affection, all that I possessed .
To live in the present is what was needed but then the present is me recollecting the memories of days when we held hands and walked together for hours , we laughed at the lame jokes , the days when you pushed me against the wall , the days when you took me in your arms , days when you messed up my hair , days when we sung together , we fought for the last piece of chocolate , we discussed about every other thing under the moon and even the moon .
The days we smiled , laughed , enjoyed all seem to be in my memory but to believe in the present is to not have you with me right now. But in this process of change and perfectionism I realise the love we had and that is wonderful.
Every other second with you have been and will be special for certain.
I love you ❤️
© #aish