

Mummy Christmas
It was Christmas Eve. I dozed off before the fireplace. My eyes open almost after an hour and I could not recognise my drawing room. Probably my glasses were foggy for as soon as they were rubbed clean, I was back from my dreamland. Let's rather not call it ' dreamland ' for I personally do not watch dreams or its rare, I guess. Whatever for, after all, it was Christmas and the celebrations must begin.

The clock struck 11:58 pm and I ran to the balcony, and took out the lengthy letter, my childish ideas had painted, dedicated to Santa. As soon as the clock struck twelve, I felt an angelic and sudden unknown ray of hope or feeling that closed my eyes purposely with a sensitive touch. When I opened my eyes out of malicious trust in magic, I viewed a beautiful angel in front of me but not facing me. A blink of an eye and there was no one except a pink card with a "...